
Topic: E-Marketing

Pricing E-newsletters

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
What is the going rate to charge a client for producing and distributing an e-newsletter to a few thousand patients?

This includes creating industry-specific content (3 short articles, a cartoon, 3 sidebars), customizing with client's information (logo, contact information, 2 links to the client's website) plus client's monthly special offers. Assume for this quote that all articles are syndicated (I know how much to charge for custom articles - that would be a separate charge).

Other features: Four "Send to a friend" links; a link allowing readers to send an email the client's office to set up an appointment; database management (adding and subtracting addresses); reporting on open rates and on which topics received the most interest.
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  • Posted on Accepted
    Hi Joyce,
    It really depends. I write newsletters for my client's clients and have written newsletter content for others. The straight content pays anywhere from $300-600 depending on specifics involved. With distribution and production it could reasily run $1000-1500 a month for the total cost. Of course, the cost of production would go down once you've designed the template.

  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Accepted
    I'd be happy to answer you privately. I'd prefer not to share our pricing structure on a Web board.

    If you'd like to email me, I will reply.

  • Posted by michael on Accepted
    Not your industry, but we have a proposal out there at $300 per month, but we also have one that is much lower with an incentive built in so the more responses they get to articles the more money we get paid.

  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi Joyce,

    We do a lot of of production and distribution of e-newsletters just like you describe you are looking for.

    Like Paul, I prefer not to give pricing on a public forum, however, if you contact me I can give you a personal proposal and answer all the questions you have.

    Just click on my profile name.

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