
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For Consulting Services Business

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am planning on starting my own consulting business. I intend to offer my services in the areas of logistics, transportation and supply chain management (it is intended to be a global offering). However, the name should reflect my fundamental beliefs and views - namely learning, quality, and the holistic view of systems. I would appreciate any help!
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  • Posted by AmSam on Accepted
    If you are planning to start a management consultancy business, your brand should reflect the qualities of "management consultancy industry". Not the qualities of industries you are going to serve (Logistic, transport etc.) Because, in future if you want to expand your client base to other industries, you cant change your long established brand to suite new clients.

    I can't suggest you an exact brand, since it should be a carefully selected one with deep understanding of your business structure.

    There are certain companies selling softwares for creating business names, but i havent used them and cant guarantee the reliability.

    And, in service industries like yours, where mostly the professional skills play a major role in success, they use to have their personal names as the company name too. (Like in Law and accountancy)

    Personally, I would prefer that, since after all its the goodwill of the consultant that register in the mind of the client. (We go for Ogilvy or Satchi for a reason.)

    Hope helpful enough.

  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    Members of this forum have suggested articles and websites for you in the Resource Library. There are some good ones in the Taglines/Names category, so check it out!
  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hi there

    how about these....

    "Globalogisitcs Consultants"

    "Global SCM Consultants"

    hope that helps.


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