
Topic: E-Marketing

Where Can I Find Attention Grabing Capture Pages

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I have seen a number of capture pages but would like to know what the members have found to be the best at attracting responses.

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  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    I assume you mean online lead capture pages!

    Obviously the pages that will attract the best response will be ones that offer a FREE and relevant gift!

    I use the offer of a free marketing toolkit and further marketing hints and tips on mine. And I capture enough leads to work through and convert into business.

    Other than that, the offer must be clear.

    Good Luck
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi rojcole,

    I refer to them as "landing pages" and their purpose is to act as a bridge between the tool that brought the person there i.e. email marketing or PPC and the desired conversion act i.e. a purchase, newsletter signup, request for more info etc.

    My best single piece of advice is keep them simple. Focus on the conversion. Eliminate any extraneous navigation bars, links, buttons, whatever. Give 2 choices:

    1) Convert
    2) Leave

    Eliminate all unnecessary content, provide an attractive "hero shot" and give an offer that eliminates all risk and guarantees satisfaction.

    I hope that helps.

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