
Topic: Student Questions

What Are The Ipod Demographics

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I'd like to go after the same demographics as the ipod on a project I'm working on.
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  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    Good advice from KSA. Why attempt to copy something you don't understand?

    Unless what you are trying to market is a direct accessory for an iPod? In which case your demographic is "Existing iPod owners"...

    One way to establish who is buying iPods might be to go to stores where they are sold and talk to the sales people. I suspect they will tell you they are being bought by all sorts of people from well-heeled teenagers to middle-aged walkers, joggers and business people.

    Last weekend in the park I saw a lady about 65 years old with an iPod shuffle, she was walking her dog...

    If you're NOT selling an iPod accessory, then maybe you should stop and think about some target segments for your product/service first, then try to define the range of people within each potential target segment.

    Why are you trying to define a demographic?

    Hope this helps.

  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
  • Posted on Author
    The main reasons I posted the original question is to get information on ipod user demographics, information like 75% of ipod users are between the age of 17 and 26, 80% of ipod users use macintosh computers 65% are male, how many ipods have been sold, stuff like that. I don't know where to look for informaiton like that. I don't what to spend big buckaroos to angency to give me the information, I thought someone out there could help. One thing I know, there are a lot of ipods out there but who is using them and and how are they using the ipod.

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