
Topic: Student Questions

Permission Marketing And Related Topics

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
In writing a dissertation, what related topics are there to permission marketing?
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  • Posted on Accepted

    I would suggest you do a research on permission marketing to see what other researchers say about the topic and go from there. Use reputable database such as PROQUEST and EBCOhost in doing your research.

    In addition, you have to try and narrow down your topic. It appears broad. What do you want to find out from this research? What others have said about it? Did you define your problem?

    Finally, when doing a dissertation you have to find a problem and seek ways how to solve that problem using research tools. You have to decide if it is a quantitative or qualitative research.
    Hope this help. Please let me know if you need further help. I am doing my dissertation too.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Your starting point is so broad as to preclude a useful answer. You need to narrow your focus and decide on what interests you most. If you narrow the scope to just e-tail businesses, or just consumer electronics, or to a specific company/product category, etc., that would be a good start.

    You might also want to visit Seth Godin's website and blog to see what others have had to say about permission marketing. That might give you some ideas.
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    Look through some of the MarketingProfs articles on this topic and you might get some ideas. Here are three to start you off:

    » Are you Practicing Permission Marketing or Perdition Marketing?
    » May I Marketing
    » The Permission Tree: Growing A Relationship One Branch At A Time

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