
Topic: Student Questions

Comment On The Assumption,

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
"If people are serious about doing business with you, they will speak English."
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Member
    Anyone with that point of view is an embarrassment! What arrogance!

    Customers should determine the language and mode of communication that's most comfortable for them. Anyone who meets the customer's needs should have a shot at the business. Anyone who wants to make it difficult for the customer doesn't deserve the business.

    You're just trying to provoke us, right?
  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member

    While this may have been the case a few years ago it is starting to change. In 20 years when China is the worlds leading economy we will be asking the same question but it will be slightly different. Why do they have to speck English? Why don't YOU learn there language.

    "If people are serious about doing business with you, they will speak Chinese."

    Currently English is the 3rd most spoken language on the planet, 2nd is Spanish and 1st is Chinese.

    I am an native English speaker and cant speck any other languages, so I am screwed later in life :( unless I make my fortune before English becomes a minority language.

  • Posted by steven.alker on Member
    Je vraiment pense que le rapport est une charge arrogante des bollocks

    Steve Alker
    Unimax Solutions

    PS the last word is not rude in French - it means an English itinerant preacher but they now use its more familiar international meaning
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    God help us all when the statement becomes...

    "2 do biz w me, u shud tok n txt spk coz I do."

    That crap shows up more and more in this forum. I think it's a sign of civilization's demise. ;]

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