
Topic: E-Marketing

Managing Sample Requests

Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on 500 Points
Looking for advice on software.

A client I advise has an offer on her website for a free sample. Over the months, she has gotten requests here and there, so has processed these requests manually.

Recently, a web site that tracks free offers has picked up her offer and posted it on their web site, bringing in over 500 requests in a week. At first I thought these wouldn't be valuable leads for her, and she would want to find a way to get her free offer off of their site, but it actually looks like these could be good leads. So, assuming the number of requests continues, the challenge now is how best to process leads.

Any suggestions of stand-alone software or add-ins that work with Microsoft Office that would allow for easy importing of data and then run through the process of printing labels on standard label forms? Looking for off-the-shelf instead of custom solution, because cost is a significant consideration.
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  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Accepted
    We use AddressGrabber to copy and paste (import) form results into our ACT! database. You can do this with Outlook, too.

    With 500 per week, however, you may want something more automated. These form results should be automatically dumped into a Web database that you can then access to make your labels and fulfill requests, etc.

    Good luck, and congrats on finding something that works so well for you.

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