
Topic: Career/Training

Key Performance & Responsilities Of Brand Manager

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Dear Proffesionals,

Could you kindly advise me how can I be one proffesional Brand Manager in the cosumer goods industry ?
What's the main aspects of its key performance evaluation ? What's their daily job, their job responsibilities ?
How can I prepare to be more more proffestional and be different with other brand experts?

My strength is I've been working in Marcom area for 9 years in broadcasting equipment & transportation industry. and I've finished 2years MBA programmes.
My weekness is I have no experiences in consumer goods industry.

I'm thinking how can I transfer to be the success brand manager in some more marketing and branding focused industry.

(by the way I'm now in China market, but think the principles will be the same :-) )

Be appreciated to get your kindly suggestions or comments.

Angela Huang
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  • Posted on Member

    If you could explain a little more about what you're looking for in terms of help her, there are a lot of questions which seem to indicate that you may already have the job...or soon will...but haven't a clue about what a "brand manager" does. Since there aren't very many people out there who literally have that title, here's a job description that I found on the site for a Marketing Communications Director (which has Brand Management as part of the responsibilities):

    Owner of marketing communication strategy and execution. Responsible for conceptualizing, developing, maintaining and implementing marketing communications and marketing programs that build brand equity. Provides leadership, management, and direction for product marketing, major events, customer education, marketing collateral, and packaging.

    Education Requirement: Bachelors degree in marketing, business administration or related discipline. Minimum 10 years of marketing, branding and communications experience. MBA preferred.

    It may not be critical that you have no experience with the consumer goods industry, but it would probably help a great deal. Some of the marketing you did for other products should be a good foundation. If I were thrust into this position, I would definitely find an assistant who had a strong background as a kind of safety net. Always set up good communications with the pertinent department heads and company execs.

    You might want to cross-post this to the career/training forum.

    Good Luck,
    Debi Brady, Technical Writing & Marketing Consultant
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    Peoples roles always vary. Its always worth doing a search on job vacancy websites to see whats required.

    Good Luck

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