
Topic: Career/Training

A Question For The Men...

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am young, female, and new to the marketing/advertising business. Being in the industry that I am, I work mostly with men on a daily basis. While I realize that "professional business women" is not a completely new concept in today's society, I am eager for some male advice/opinions. How can a woman gain and keep your respect as an equal in a business setting? Are there any definite "do-nots" for women in business that would jeopardize her professionalism from a man's perspective? Just curious...
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  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    Sex doesn't matter, just do the job without trying to prove yourself too much.
    Excuse my directness ... but women who try to show everyone they have balls, just end up pissing everyone else off!

    Good Luck in your chosen profession
  • Posted on Author
    "The one thing a lot of women have a problem understanding, as they enter the business world, is the need to separate business and personal. Which is not to say you should be an automon, but ALWAYS remember that you are, in a sense, a player on a stage. You HAVE to approach things in a calm and rational manner (not that men don't forget this, too!)."

    So true.
    Very encouraging post, thank you...
  • Posted by michael on Accepted
    If I don't know something, I'm not afraid to say it. My experience has been that "professional women" won't admit that they don't know something. They can also push their "womanhood" on a project.

    I would say that my 2 best bosses have been women (no, not my mother and wife!) and I've never had that respect problem. I have a very strong woman customer right now also.

    Just like men, women need to stay within their personality. If you're normally reserved don't kill yourself to be the life of the party. It's very obvious and will drain your energy.

    Best I can do for now. If we were in the same office, I could probably point out specifics.

  • Posted on Author
    "but women who try to show everyone they have balls, just end up pissing everyone else off!" women need to be able to "take it like a man", yet project a more feminine/sweet demeanor?....the great paradox I guess :)

    I appreciate your honesty!
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    I think its just that ladies can't carry it off well, and just come across as agressive ... I have seen it many times before :-)
  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    Sorry to be late in posting... but if you want to be taken seriously, don't be afraid to work late.

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