
Topic: E-Marketing

California Spam Laws

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I know that California has an "opt-in" requirement, but I do not understand it fully. Does this mean that one can be sued if a California email address sends some emails (spam i guess) requesting a business partner to companies in India or the rest of Asia without prior contact? If so, is there any legal way of contacting these companies?
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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    The California law was superseded by the federal CAN-SPAM act, so you don't need to worry about it.

    Check out the following:
  • Posted by ROIHUNTER on Member

    In the United States, you can be sued for anything. People do not need laws to provide them justification, all they need is a hungry lawyer.

    That said, there is no need to help build their case, try and pick a solution provider that keeps on top of the rules, regulations, and laws of the states or countries you are involved with to give you some piece of mind that you are a law abiding citizen.

    Hope that helps ...
  • Posted by michael on Member
    We have not had a single "complaint" and we do a lot of e-mail marketing. Like Papadoc says, just be honest with your e-mails. Usually, if people aren't interested they just thank us for contacted them and say so. That's because we put the TRUE subject in the subject line and the meat of the message in the first paragraph.

    Even with blind addresses (not personalized) we occasionally get "remove me" responses but they are handled quickly and confirmed.


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