
Topic: E-Marketing


Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points

I am currently getting back into the web. Back in the day of meta tags I could easily achieve a decent rank.

Now however I am so out of touch with the technology I am lost. I know the basics but does anyone know of any good sites where I can brush up?

First point, I am using dreamweaver, currently frames & layers, Am I correct in asuming that these are possibly the worst as they "scare" spiders off?

If so, do I need convert to tables, and how can I keep the design of the site easy to create new pages etc?

Thanks in advance

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  • Posted by ROIHUNTER on Member
    Paul McDonald,

    We use DreamWeaver (DW) for all our static sites. Spiders have a difficult time following frames. We use DW templates.

    Most of our time, when we start a project, is spent merging the creative desires, client goals, and DW template designs together to make a very fast site that can be updated quickly. We try to think of all the areas of the page as regions, some regions are editable as they are specific to that page, while some that must be the same from page to page, as it will be associated with a template.

    For clients that demand updating certain pages, I use Contribute3 from the same company. It allows them to modify the editable regions, which I have opened up for them and not mess with the rest of the site/page. While we (the partner expected to show resulst) continues to create pages for different campaigns or SEO activities.

    I know that doesn't answer all your questions, but I hope it helps ...
  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    There is a TON of info in the forum on past questions. Have a look.

    There is also a lot of VERY USEFUL premium and free content on this site. These is so much that i don't even bother with SEO questions any more because just about all the answers have been posted many times (just look at all the questions with "SEO" as the title)

    I suggest you have a read of "Web Design in a Nutshell: A quick desktop reference" by Jennifer Niederst published by O'Reilly.

    You might want to wait of the marketingprofs Web design vendor selector (it should be out very soon).

    Also make sure you TEST your pages in VERY firefox rigorously because it is now just below 10% of the browser market (and growing every second). :P

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