
Topic: E-Marketing

How To Deliver Email With Video Content?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am curious about new ways to deliver streaming video emails or tactics to increase deliverability of these emails. Thanks for your help.
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  • Posted by ROIHUNTER on Accepted

    First let me start by saying, I loath large emails. If an email is over 40K I am already thinking that it is filled with useless information that I will just ignore anyways. (I'm talking about newsletters, not emails from my partners with their next campaign notes and examples.)

    I keep and study the small emails (under 5K usually) that got ME to act. I want to understand what happened. How did someone like me, who gets hundreds and hundreds of emails every day, stop and take notice of this one email and actually got me to do something it wanted me to.

    Take a look at Ad Critics ( for a great example of how to send small emails with lots of pointers to their site which plays the video. I love the fact (for marketing reasons) that you have to sign-in, but keep in mind they are focused on a very specific target audience who will not mind the extra step. Not every audience will be that hungry for your content.

    Hope that helps ...
  • Posted by timo kruskopf on Accepted
    You’re talking about viral marketing, not just outbound e-mailings.

    As Roi and Colleen has answered, I agree; do not never ever send streaming video or anything else more than few kilos to prospects.

    But most of us have received those 1-2 mega size funny video spots. What is different we receive them from our friends. That's what viral is all about; upgrading your brand reliability by using friendship networks. "I trust my friend so I will look through his bulky email".

    This is good for overall awareness building. Bud, Miller or any other big consumer brand can get alot new exposures with a minimal cost and also target mostly young audiences who are turning from TV to internet.

    But it's an huge opportunity also on b-to-b: first time in history you have a channel to do motion pictures effectively and affordingly. Your target audience might be only few thousand and geographically spread around the world and still you can hit them with your own special broadcasting channel.

    Back to your question: send an incentive and link it with website with video. That's a good way also to measure interest levels and continue dialog.

    A good example of b-to-b campaign from software side is here. Same method can be used in many cases.

    Good luck with your project
  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    You can use Marcomedia Flash compression, have a look at there breeze newsletter.

    Also check (it is a Java based steaming video for 56k users)
  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted

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