
Topic: E-Marketing

Which Quality Words(emarketing)?

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
Trying to avoid being spam and getting canned. We are running an email campaign-consumer product. Creating in Dart. Seeking a list of good quality words or ones to avoid in order to have a more successful campaign. Also, what about spam filters to test the copy or ways to scrub lists? Would appreciate any pointers...Thxs
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  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    If you want to send out your own copy, then the only word I know that leads to a false positive is "FREE", using "Free", seems to be OK!

    Just look at the general spa in your inbox (or deleted box by now) and see what words and phrases they use, shows you what to avoid :-)
  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Accepted
    When you say Dart, are you referring to DARTmail from DoubleClick? I just have to ask because I can't believe a service that expensive doesn't offer content screening.

    Rather than focus on a list of words to avoid, I'd suggest that you just run your content through a screener before you send it, then tweak accordingly. For example, our email marketing ASP uses the SpamAssassin method to rate the content on a point-scale.

    We can then tweak the content as necessary to lower the score.

    I've never used this product, but maybe it's worth looking into:

    Good luck,

  • Posted on Accepted
    I come from a very strong IT background but currently in the advertizing arena. One of the toughest executions is emailing especially with all the new advanced spam filters that squeezes mails to that last drop. Now from a technical point of view the first intially and most important factor you should consider is the source from where you will be sending the emails off. The server and it's backbone link should be well defined with a Defined fixed IP both on your forward and reverse DNSs.

    Secondly, what type of mail will you be sending? Plain Text, Rich Text or HTML? .. it is strongly advised that you use plain text if possible and if you are to embed an image to it, DO NOT place it as an attachment but as a link image off a server that again is well structured and well defined.

    Last but not least, avoid the following words, which are commonly used in the new spam filters:

    "X" (the letter x in caps) commonly used in porn or could be an equation or a variable for a name of something.


    "https://www.x.c/x/x/" meaning never use addresses with more than two levels down.

    "Free Pics"

    "and win more than"

    "Apply now and win"

    "Get your order and receive a"

    Those are the basics I recall off the top of my head, what you should make sure of again is that your source email is valid ofcourse or else it'll definetly be canned in.

    Hope my input helps. Good Luck
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    Words to avoid?? What about

    lose weight
    mortgage rate
    tsunami relief

    Seriously, your email message needs to be written by somebody who knows how to do it effectively. If you are doing it yourself and you're brand new to this, I suggest you get a copy of Nick Usborne's book Net Words.

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