
Topic: Student Questions

Challenges Met By Marketers In Terms To Perception

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
i have done lots of research on this question. but all i get is only one answer. that because, if marketers are only able to perceive than they will be successful. and if the perception is not conceived to the customers they are not able to achieve the aim of marketing.

can anyone please give me more information on this topic.

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  • Posted by wnelson on Member
    The marketer's job is to understand the customers well enough to know their motivators, language, way of thinking. Then, the marketer can communicate to the customer in such a way that the marketer's perception is obvious to the customer. So, a marketer has to perceive first the customers and their needs, then perceive how to reach the customers and convince them, and then perceive the product or service that meets the customers' needs better than the competition, and then communicate this to the customer in a media and language that prompts the customers to perceive.

    I hope this helps.

  • Posted on Accepted
    Aishain, don't overwork the issue of perception.

    The marketer has a product.
    The marketer wants to cause an exchange with customers -- that is sell his product in exchange for money.
    For the market to sell his product, he needs to meet a need that the customer has. Therefore he needs to discover all he can about his customers.

    At the same time, the marketer needs to make sure that his potential customers (his market) know he exists as a solution. So he markets (promotes) his product or service -- he sends emails, direct mail, letters, advertises, maintains a Web site, is quoted in articles, and is talked about by different stakeholders -- clients, investors, partners, vendors, etc.

    The potential customer, on the other hand, is on the sidelines. With ever company "touchpoint." he gains an idea of what the company is and thus is building a PERCEPTION (or IMAGE) of the marketer's company. It's either good, neutral, bad, or a total unknown and not on the potential customer's "radar screen."

    So, what is the goal here?

    The marketer's goal, then, is to create a sustainable competitive advantage. This is done by:
    (1) Identifying the company's distinctive competencies – those that can be turned into differential advantages;
    (2) Segmenting the market and identifying the specific target market (who should he care about as a potential buyer – and who will care about his product?);
    (3) Determining the needs of the market and product/company attributes the customer values. These become the basis of…
    (4) Developing competitive positioning, value proposition, and messaging;
    (5) Developing the marketing mix (product, price, place/distribution, and promotions) that will that will support and reinforce the competitive position that will enable the company to achieve its goals;
    (6) Implementing the plan;
    (7) Measuring the results (make SURE they are measurable in the first place);
    (8) Getting feedback from your customers; and
    (9) Refining the plan and continuously moving forward.

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