
Topic: Student Questions

Is Competitor Analysis & Swot Analysis Same?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I just got confused as both of these analyses concern strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats. Is it correct that SWOT only identify the company's strengths and weaknesses and so on, while Competitor Analysis do not need to identify the company's, but rather study its competitors' strengths and weaknesses?
Thank you for clarify this doubt of me:)
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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Basically you got it right.

    Generally a SWOT analyzes internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities and threats.

    A competitive analysis generally analyzes competition present and future and direct and indirect and evaluates their respective strengths and weaknesses - as compared to the internal analysis of strengths and weaknesses of a SWOT.

    So that is the basic difference: Internal vs. External which is pretty much what you were thinking.

    I hope that helps.
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you for your reply.
    That makes it much clear to me now:)
  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    Hi Minna,

    Glad you came to vist :)


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