
Topic: E-Marketing

Real Estate Mailing List

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I have been trying to find a good postal and email mailing lists for all the real estate agents in the USA and maybe canada, does anybody know of good ones that are clean.

I dont mind paying, but of course we all have budgets.

Many thanks
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  • Posted on Author
    I have found realtor, and spent many of an hour looking through their site, which is very good mind you. But I have not found any such list, and I thought the way realtor is its is only a realtor members only club, so they will only have a list of their members, not all the realtors.

    In the UK, there are lists that are compiled by the telecommunications people, and have a national register. And there are many companies subscribe to these lists, and then resell to people like us. SO if you want all the hotels in the northeast UK for example, you can buy a full list of all hotels that have got a telephone number in that area and the list are very accurate.

    I was hoping there may be something similar in the US. I think it might well be worth it just to advertise in the realtor magazine and website, it probably makes more sense financially and will hit as many as direct marketing.
  • Posted on Author
    Well my main plan was to post them a brochure that pionted directly to the website and the services we provide.

    You see without going to deep into the project (as it isnt finished yet) we are offering a free service to them, that at the moment costs them hundreds or maybe thousands, and we make money through another channel, mainly via grants and investments. But we mainly need them to sign up and start using it, so we can prove it is being used.

    We are based in the UK, and are maybe running before we can walk, but we want it to work internationally from almost the start. So we want most of europe, america and canada to use the system, but im not expecting it to work instantly, as it will take time for them to believe that they really are getting something for nothing, and there isnt a sting at the end of its tail.

    When it is all finished and launched i will probably be puting a note on here and asking for a little advice.

    The kind of quality of the brochure is similar to
    which i made for a client and friend, which is an entirly different industry.

    We are also building a cartoon style intro similar to (click on the money, its similar idea)

    I wish i could just put here what it is, but i cant for another few weeks, as it is driving me nuts wondering if im doing the right things and the right methods of marketing and advertising.
  • Posted on Author
    That maybe the best idea. I can spend a few weeks over there promoting it, and most of it will be paid for via grants as the north east england is a deprived area, so we get inward investment grants.

    See what your tax pays for lol.

    Well i think i will get back to you guys when it is all up and running. As there are still a few holes in the marketing stretegy. The business is sound, the product is perfect, but as we all know its the marketing the makes it work or not.
  • Posted by ROIHUNTER on Member

    A several ideas come to mind:
    1) NAR and other organizations send email and print newsletters to their subscriber / member base. See what it costs to sponsor or advertising in their organs.
    2) Go to these organizations and explain what you want to do and explain how they can look good in the process for bringing something to their members, and they might promote it for you.
    3) All these organizations, agents, appraisers, banking, all go to conventions. Show off your stuff at a booth and start building your mailing list from there.

    Hope that helps ...
  • Posted on Author
    That is something i have been looking into with advertsing with realtor.ogr and their magazine, as i think they cover the most from what i understand. The shows will be a grand idea, only problem is traveling etc from the UK.

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