
Topic: Career/Training

Where Do I Find Independent Contractors Or Sales Agents To Sell Our It Application Development Services?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am VP of a small but fast growing IT application development organization. We focus on design, development, integration and implementation of self-service applications (interactive voice response, speech recognition, voice-web, computer telephony). We have very strong partnerships with Fortune 500 service providers and we get great leads for selling our services. The agents will be paid at 100% commission and have the opportunity to be very successfully. The problem is finding sales individuals who have familiarity with this technology domain who are willing to take on a career opportinity that is 100% commission based.
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  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    Here is another question you might consider - do such people actually exist?

    Maybe it's like the old saying, "Cheap, fast, and good: pick any two".

    You are looking for aggressive, technical, straight commission independent contractors. Maybe two out of three isn't so bad.

    Althought times are tough, every technically competant and hard-working person I know already has a job.

    I'll tell you what I think you can find. I think you can find people who are already employed for non-competing companies who will alert you to potential jobs in exchange for a finder's fee or percentage (and you will have to close the business yourself). But I think you will find it difficult to attract more dedicated people without putting up some money.

    Or, you might be able to find folk who are already independent agents in a declining industry (so they are straight commission and hard-working but not technical) and you could train them to sell your products and technology.

    By the way, why are you not willing to put up any cash? Is your company broke? Are you afraid you can't deliver as promised? Are you concerned that people won't be successful?

    Reading between the lines a bit, it seems that you want people who are willing to make a long term committment to the success of your company. That's a two way street.

    I would be very interested to know how this works out for you. Put me in your tickler, and drop me a line in two or three months (email address is on my profile page).

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