
Topic: E-Marketing

What Makes A Successful Email Broadcast?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I need to know what sort of appearance and content makes a good email broadcast?
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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi Jadams1,

    Look at the email marketing that is compelling to you:

    1) Typically some images that have meaning and tell a story i.e. "a picture is worth a thousand words".

    2) Meaningful & brief value-added content.

    3) A strong call-to-action.

    4) If appropriate, something for "free" - coupon, 2-for-1 or other special offer, whitepaper or other download etc.

    5) If there is a link to a landing page, the landing page should in many cases be specifically designed for the call-to-action.

    Those are some quick tips, but there is so much more than appearance and content that makes for a good email broadcast.

    You'll find some great information in the archives here, check them out!

    I hope that helps.

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