
Topic: Student Questions

How Do I Write A Casestudy On Designing A Homepage

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I was asked to write a case study on "designing a home page". But I have no idea about writing a homepage.

Please help me to write the case study?
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  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Member
    Most people here aren't very keen on helping out with homework assignments, especially when they're being asked to basically do most (if not all) of the work. If this was a case of "I think *this*, but I don't quite understand *that*,"that's one thing, but here you're actually looking for help in writing your deliverable.

    Is this for school? Work? I'm trying to understand how you could be in a situation where someone asked you to write a case study on designing a home page, yet you have no idea how to even get started.

    You might get some really good help here if you can provide a little more background.
  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    Just have a look at the SEO questions that i have answered in the past, try "SEO" in the search past questioms link and restrict the answers to experts int he top 25 or just me, i provided a lot of info for your question in my answers.

    Also a little hint is an example of a GOOD homepage, one that is the one that ALL companies should aim for.

    If you gie more info i MIGHT be able to help.

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