
Topic: Student Questions

Macroenvironment Forces For Walmart In Vermont? ?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hello, I am a marketing/business student in Connecticut. We are required to write about the macroforces that may affect the opening of a Walmart (anywhere) in Vermont. The Demographics seem positive, as Vermont is quite rural and customers wouldnt have to drive out of state to purchase goods. The problem I have is with the cultural forces - Is there anywhere on the net that might help give me a concise idea as to how "Joe Vermonter" feels about "Big Box" retailers coming to his state? I assume he'd be against it but cannot support this claim.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    I wouldn't automatically assume he'd be against it. Vermonters are independent and somewhat resistent to change, but so are a lot of people. And Vermonters like everyday low prices as much as the next guy.

    My assumption (with no facts whatsoever) would be that they are ambivalent. On the one hand, Wal-Mart offers good value to consumers, and they employ a lot of people. On the other hand, they all but destroy the local business community in many cases. Of course, smart local merchants can improve their offerings (with better service, for example) and survive the onslaught of Wal-Mart.

    The one place you might look for information is in a Los Angeles neighborhood, where a grass-roots movement was able to keep Wal-Mart out. There were lots of articles in the papers about this a while back, and perhaps some of them will have quotes or factoids that you'll find relavent. (Do a Google search.)
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Michael's right, there have been a ton of news stories about communities fighting to keep WalMart away.

    Consider spending some time with to learn how to get the most from Google. Very few people seem to know how to use search engines effectively.

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