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  • B2B Forum is the ultimate destination for marketers to discover how to drive growth, elevate brand reputation, prove ROI, and stay ahead of the ever-changing marketing curve. Featuring dozens of sessions, workshops, shenanigans, and more. Are you ready to experience the magic?

  • Join MarketingProfs April 24 – June 26 for AI for Demand Gen Marketers, the online event for marketers who want to see real, meaningful improvements to their demand and GTM programs using the power of AI. Over 10 live weekly sessions, you'll learn how to harness the power of AI from experts you know and trust as they cover critical whats and how-tos—live. Plus, we're recording every broadcast, so you can stream when you want on-demand.

  • Join MarketingProfs January 10 - March 13 for AI for Digital Marketers, the online event for marketers who want to improve their digital programs with the power of AI. Over 10 live weekly sessions, you'll learn how to harness the power of AI from experts you know and trust as they cover critical whats and how-tos—live. Plus, we're recording every broadcast, so you can stream when you want on-demand.

  • Webinars have consistently been one of the best-performing channels to generate leads. But at a time when marketers are being asked to do more with less, simply generating more names is not enough; and the key to turning those leads into pipeline and revenue is engagement. Join us to learn the blueprint for creating personalized, interactive experiences that engage audiences and more effectively convert them into pipeline and revenue. Sponsored by ON24.

  • Small and medium businesses stand to gain the most from AI's time-saving technologies. But they also face unique challenges that larger companies don't have. Discover how SMBs can drive demand with AI, prepare proprietary data to safely use with AI, and build trust with customers.

  • Search engines are exploring how AI can improve search results and user experience—but what does that mean for your SEO efforts? Join data and SEO expert Janet Driscoll Miller to learn the latest about how generative AI is impacting organic search and how to prepare for the evolutions to come.

  • Simplify your marketing for increased effectiveness! Facing stressful content challenges, Optimizely combined people, processes, and technology to overcome their struggles. The result? Happier marketers and delighted customers. Hear how they did it in this free webinar. Sponsored by Optimizely.

  • Combine the superpowers of predictive analytics and AI to make better data-driven decisions. Christopher S. Penn uncovers the AI tools and techniques that predict your market's future so you can plan for cyclical ups and downs and design a successful marketing strategy around those predicted changes.

  • Every marketer wants to know: What's the best way to find leads? There are plenty of ideas out there... but not all methods are created equal. Don't blindly follow what your competitors are doing. In this free event, three lead gen experts share their unique methods to attract qualified leads to your business. Sponsored by Skyline.

  • As content demands increase, it can become easy to put brand consistency aside. But you don't have to compromise brand to scale content production. Discover how to build and maintain a strong brand identity that resonates with customers and prospects—and builds your bottom line. Sponsored by Canto.

  • Marketers are increasingly turning to AI to drive results. But often, data protection and legal compliance are afterthoughts. Join Ruth Carter to discover how your company can use AI in marketing ethically while staying within the ever-evolving laws and regulations governing AI.

  • Getting an account-based marketing (ABM) program off the ground can be daunting. And with so many factors at play—ideal customer profiles, intent signals, KPIs, and more—maintaining your program after launch is a challenge. Discover how to manage the essential elements of ABM for success. Sponsored by ZoomInfo.

  • Systematize your lead gen and nurturing workflows to identify where (and how) AI can benefit you the most. Pam Didner shares the AI-backed optimization strategies that reduce your workload, save you time, and improve your content—and how to program these tasks for repeated success.

  • Learn why blending AI's speed with human creativity in copywriting results in compelling content and better engagement. Enhance your marketing.

  • Which feelings and emotions do different colors in logos elicit? To find out, researchers surveyed 285 professional graphic designers.

  • Discover how AI is changing sales enablement and RevOps, boosting productivity and revenue in a volatile economy. Learn more.

  • Effectively targeting your B2B market requires a deep understanding of your audience, so your marketing resonates with their needs. Jason Hunt uncovers the steps to using AI to gather market insights, create impactful content strategies, and build lead magnets that drive results.

  • What prevents companies from fostering a better corporate culture? To find out, researchers conducted a survey in March 2024 among 440 professionals in Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

  • Discover how the Start/Stop/Keep technique can transform your customer engagement strategy. Embrace feedback, act on it swiftly and effectively. Read more.

  • The first-ever Magic Quadrant for customer data platforms by Gartner signifies a milestone in the maturation and essentiality of CDPs within the martech ecosystem. In a data-centric, customer-first marketplace, CDPs have become a strategic imperative.