The practice of "breadcrumbing"—not responding to job candidates in a timely fashion—can have a range of negative effects on employers, according to recent research from Robert Half.

The report was based on data from a survey of more than 1,000 workers in the United States.

Some 62% of workers say they will lose interest in a prospective employer if they don't hear back within two weeks of an initial interview, and 49% say they will ghost a company if they feel they are being strung along.

A recent infographic (below) highlights those findings and a few additional insights from the survey that reveal why breadcrumbing is a bad idea.

Check out the infographic:

why companies shouldn't breadcrumb job candidates, survey by robert half

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Why Companies Shouldn't 'Breadcrumb' Job Candidates [Infographic]

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image of Ayaz Nanji

Ayaz Nanji is a writer, editor, and a content strategist. He is a co-founder of ICW Media and a research writer for MarketingProfs. He has worked for Google/YouTube, the Travel Channel, and the New York Times.

LinkedIn: Ayaz Nanji

Twitter: @ayaznanji