
Topic: Advertising/PR

Ideas For A Viral Marketing Campaign - Online Clothing Store

Posted by Anonymous on 2525 Points
Hi everyone. Taking the lead from major motion pictures I would like to get some ideas on an extreme marketing campaign for an online women's clothing store that will be opening in a month.

Here is a good example. When a really large movie is in the works, the studios generally create this huge movie campaign, and by the time the movie comes out, people rush to see it due to the amount of marketing that has been done on the film. Regardless of whether someone really wants to see the movie, the masses go due to the amount of marketing and (to put it frankly) "brainwashing" that the studios have done. A good example of this is War of the Worlds, King Kong, etc.. (which I did see)

Let me just clarify, I am not looking at launching a "movie" campaign, I am just using this as an example to show what type of affect I am looking for in this online campaign.

My question is, can as many people out there offer some suggestions for extreme marketing campaigns that I can do over the next month to get people ready and excited about this new online's clothing store. Of course my budget is much lower then these studios but all I am looking for is Ideas. My target market are women ages 18 - 34 who desire high-end clothing and accessories. I posted two questions previously about two weeks ago under the sections "Tagline/Slogan" and "Strategy" titled "Online's Women clothing" so if you would like more detailed information about us then please go there.

The previous posts yielded suggestions on creating a blog campaign (through orkut etc..) What I am looking for now is a more detailed idea (how exactly would I pursue a blog campaign, what is necessary for a viral marketing campaign from experienced or highly creative individuals etc...)

I am not only looking for blog campaigns, so if you have another idea on an extreme marketing campaign (internet based) then please suggest and describe. Everything I would like to do would be over the internet.

I was thinking about having some sort of "sign-up here to be notified when the site launches" as a sort of teaser on our site, but the question is really getting people to our site to sign-up.

Our site is similar to bizrate, where we combine different products from around the net at one place, but focused solely on women.

Please do not discount this question by replying "we need more information..." If you have an idea no matter how big (or small) please provide with details.

Thanks for your help!
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  • Posted by wnelson on Accepted
    1. Hire stars to place in your promtions like Steven Spielberg and Tom Cruise or Naomi Watts, Jack Black, and Peter Jackson?
    2. Start with a huge following of past identical classic stores - this on being a remake (like the two films you mentioned)
    3. Spend millions of dollars in marketing
    4. Make sure there are only about 700 stores in competition with yours each year (like there are only 700 films released per year)

    Beyond that, figure out the information we're not allowed to ask - what is your unique selling points? Why would someone want to come to your online store versus the 11,300,000 other hits on the web that come up when you search "women's online clothing store." Promote based on your benefits to your customers. Spend money at and Facebook where you have a defined demographic match. Use WebPR to create a buzz. Produce some viral marketing ads. Get some celeb actresses to pitch for you. Do ads on line at Women's mags. Buy a list of names from any one of a dozen companies like and use ConstantContact to do email marketing. Use Pay-per-click and search engine optimization to make sure you get front page on search engines. Do TV ads on major networks. Do call-in segments on the morning radio.

    Good luck!

  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    The key elements of a viral campaign are that they all introduce a fact or set of facts, or images, or sounds, that are so fantastic and unbelievable - or funny -that the target audience simply HAS to share them with their buddies, and as soon as possible.

    Immediacy is the key. When they open that e-mail and see - whatever - the next thing you want them to do is hit the forward button. If they do anything else, you've lost the impetus.

    Which means the message has to be absolutely single minded and clear. If not subliminal.

    I think history tells us the most successful campaigns have all involved visuals of some kind, mostly video visuals (movie).

    So that leaves you with other kinds of "viral" campaigns that get forwarded. Such ideas as the "Let's teach big oil a lesson and not buy gas this Wednesday" and "Throw out your Sodium Laureth/Laurelate soaps and shampoos cause cancer" have all been forwarded extensively. Look on for a list of urban myths which have been used in e-mail campaigns.

    Sounds to me like all these ideas are inappropriate for your budget. You're looking for a very big bang for your buck, errm, pennies...

    Back to basics. Which, unwelcome though they may be, involves US forcing YOU to answer some very hard questions...

    What's the one thing you can offer potential buyers that nobody else even comes close to offering?

    What's the unique selling proposition you have?

    Why should I buy from you rather than anywhere else?

    Give me one good reason why I should even come to your site?

    Unfortunately the information superhighway is not paved with gold. Without a clear strategy, and a very clear value proposition, even a huge budget is not going to make the market beat a path to your door.

    And with a small budget, the best we can do is to ask the questions you so badly need to answer.

    Marketing. It's about the thought you put into the question, that matters.

    Hope this helps.


    P.S. I suppose the good news is that if the store doesn't open for another month, you still have plenty of time to develop, refine and resource a coherent, integrated marketing campaign.

  • Posted on Accepted
    I wd think that you take some recent fashion related movie- The Devil Wears Prada. Change Prada to your brand and launch a contest with YouTube collaboration. Ask people to submit 3 minute mobifilms movies with the title 'The Devil Wears...'
    Going by the Nokia Mobifilms contest response you will be flooded with responses. Select a group of 10 best and then post again and ask people to vote for their best.
    Also get a daily blog going on the same lines- where people can post responses.
    Brand all the videos and blog- change the colors, fonts, tone daily to make people want to check out whats new.
    This will generate buzz.
  • Posted by Harry Hallman on Accepted
    In my humble opinion it is very difficult to have a pre-launch campaign that will pay off for an online clothing store. That is unless you are able, somehow, to get the email addresses of people and then use them when the store opens. That may be hard to do with a low budget.

    People who buy apparel online want the item now and they will not be walking by your store. You have to push them there. So when you generate that visit there should be something to buy.

    One thing you can do is to be sure that your SEO is excellent. I have found that organic searches for apparel do better then Adwords.

    That said I would also set up on Myspace and have someone work it for you. A fellow named Brandon Sutton ( ) handles that for my son’s business and a number of others. Examples and .

    You could also hire some college interns to visit the various blogs and forums for fashion targeted at 18-34 year olds and have them weave in comments about your store. This has to be done in a way that provides the reader with truthful and helpful information.

    Good luck with your project.
  • Posted by Tracey on Accepted
    Here are a couple blogs/websites that you might look into:

    TopButton (
    Sytle Bakery

    They both cover new stores, trends, etc. I'm not sure what their readership is, but getting into those blogs would be a great spot.
  • Posted on Accepted

    Totally off the subject -- but unless I am mistaken -- Shoperella "Your Fairy GodMother has Arrived" was my one and only entry when you asked for help on a tag line. I didn't receive a single point :( I'm not a point hungry person -- I've actually asked people not to give me points at times) but I would like the confirmation that you chose my tagline -- I thought it was pretty good -- In fact I envisioned the Fairy Godmother with her little wand at the end of the line -- like TA DA!.

    I don't usually offer up tag-lines I don't think I'm that good at it -- most folks just bang them out -- one after another --I'm always impressed -- and they are terrific.

    That tagline came to me immediately when I saw your name and what your store represented -- I'm thrilled that you are going to use it -- and would like acknowlegement of my input, (perhaps it was overlooked)-- thats all.

    Thank you.

    Positive Thinker
  • Posted on Accepted

    Totally off the subject -- but unless I am mistaken -- Shoperella "Your Fairy GodMother has Arrived" was my one and only entry when you asked for help on a tag line. I didn't receive a single point :( I'm not a point hungry person -- I've actually asked people not to give me points at times) but I would like the confirmation that you chose my tagline -- I thought it was pretty good -- In fact I envisioned the Fairy Godmother with her little wand at the end of the line -- like TA DA!.

    I don't usually offer up tag-lines I don't think I'm that good at it -- most folks just bang them out -- one after another --I'm always impressed -- and they are terrific.

    That tagline came to me immediately when I saw your name and what your store represented -- I'm thrilled that you are going to use it -- and would like acknowlegement of my input, (perhaps it was overlooked)-- thats all.

    Thank you.

    Positive Thinker
  • Posted on Member
    Shoperella --

    No problem -- --- I understand -- good luck with the shop -- you are asking the right group of people -- I've received some of the best advice from KHE-- I am constantly impressed by the caliber, honesty and variety of individuals who spend such valuable time helping others. I'm a fan.

    Best of luck to you -- "May all your dreams come true......"

    Positive Thinker
  • Posted by darcy.moen on Accepted
    All viral campaigns require a few KEY elements.

    1) entertainment
    2) interest
    3) 'cool factor'
    4) participation

    Viral campaigns are difficult to create by design. Its not so easy to 'force' 1 through 4 above as all are determined by the people who pass on the campaign. If yu are not coo, or too cool, folks see though the effort and refuse to play along. If its not intersting enough, it falls flat.

    How interesting IS clothing? On the whole, it likely a 4 out of ten for the majority. Granted, its a ten for those REALLY into fashion. You have a bit of an uphill battle.

    The scene in Pretty Woman stuck a chord with people because EVERYONE wants to get back at snooty sales staff. Who wouldn't, if they were in Julia Robert's shoes, love to have rubbed noses in it if they had the means. There in lies your viral campaign. Could you not hire actors and actresses re-enacting the Pretty Woman scene on unsuspecting sales staff? Use hand held camera (sort of hidden cameras-but in plain sight) to film the action. Post it on YouTube and see what happens. If the interest (hits) begin to happen, go with the theme, and do another (film) one. Post, repeat.

    REMEMBER: the hits must occur on their own. If they start to occur, and in enough volume to indicate interest, shoot another. If it doesn't happen or flat lines, dump the concept and move on.

    Yes, quit and switch. It can't be forced, be prepared for losses of investment of your 'commercial'. Its part and parcel of developing viral ads.
  • Posted on Member
    The Fairy Godmother only has one outfit for Cinderella - the fancy evening ballroom dress. What happens when Cinderella goes to a job interview in a ballroom dress or on a casual date or to the beach in high heeled shoes?
    And its not just Cinderella - Fairy Godmother is swamped - Obviously Fairy Godmother needs help. Where is she going to find different clothing outfits and styles in one place? Somewhere that has amazing service and fast shipping? Reasonable prices?
  • Posted on Member
    Contact Tyra's people and see if you can get a spot inside her show, America's Next Top Model.

    Have the contestants do different "viral" video clips, on which they'll be judged.

    Here are the categories that work with viral vid marketing:


    Create three skits per category and assign each model a skit and shot the vids on a digital video camera.

    If you're able to get "product placement" or "in show endorsement" in Tyra's Top Model, outstanding you'll get tons of traffic on You Tube, you probably won't have to do much. It'll take off.

    But that doesn't address your time frame and perhaps your budget. So another spin off idea that might work in your time frame and budget could be...

    Forget Top Model all together, but keep the idea.
    (heck if Tyra ever reads this I just gave them a great idea for their show)

    Run a "modeling contest" in several large metro areas - free acting. Narcissism is alive and well and the chance at fame is huge draw.

    Again have your skits prepared ahead of time. Shoot the vid and tell all of the contestants that the clips will be posted on vid sites for judging by the public.

    All the contestants will tell their friends to go see the vid and to vote for them. This should create a viral atmosphere that you facilitate by prompting contestants to tell their friends, posting vids on their myspace site. Get them to the point where they're going out of their way to say, "Hey everybody, look at me. I'm a star."

    This will get you tons of exposure and the vids will be great because the footage will have a legit web vid feel because you're not using pro actors.

    Even the "bad" vids might win. Kind of like the goofy, Charlie (I think that's his name) contestant from American Idol several years ago.

    Probably a lot more to this than what I've put in here, but you get the idea. I'll be happy to talk more about it offline should you be interested.

    For more tactical resources about creating viral web vids check out:

    How I Used Free Videos To Generate
    1,000 Visitors in 24 Hours

    by: Jonathan Leger

    Hope this helps or a least gives you some good ideas.


    Ryan Pitz
    New Call Solutions, LLC

  • Posted by mehmet on Member
    there are so many crazy ideas out there, your best bet is always offering something FREE, if there is nothing in there for the people no one will pay attention.

    I recently found an online clothing website, I know it sounds like a advertisement to write it here but what they were doing was to add a mystery bag in our products, a hidden mystery bag that the customer needs to spend sometime to search it, find it and if they find it it is free, they do not know what is in it. But it is FREE right so what difference it makes, if they like it they will share it with their friends. But there is a budget involved also, but hey, just send a small promotional item, USPS stamp it c44, it is well worth it.

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