
Topic: Advertising/PR

B2b Direct Marketing Or Advertising

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
This is actually a follow up to a list broker question I just asked.

Is there are rule of thumb when determining when to use direct marketing vs. advertsining in B2B marketing? Here's why I ask: I know database information and in particular contact information degrades fairly quickly but I believe that to effective conduct a B2B campaign (through diredt mail) you need to have an accurate contact name. I have always done that through telemarketing ( just calling to verify the address and contact name) but that is only a viable alternative with small numbers of targets since calling 10 - 20,000 companies is not cost effective.

So is there a point when you have to say that your target market is too large to conduct a direct marketing campain and your money would be better spent on trade journal placements or advertising? I'm not considering e-mail.

Thanks for your feedback.

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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    Well, it varies based on your goals. if the only goal is to increase sales, direct mail will likely be high on your list. If you also want to build brand awareness, then targeted advertising would be good. Also, the people who respond to advertising could be added to your internal list of who to market to, so that is an added benefit.

    Some notes:
    1) even if you don't have the name, direct mail can be effective. Less effective than having a person's name, but still likely cost effective
    2) direct mail and advertising can be worked together, to increase the effectiveness of both (synergy).
  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    I think another question you might ask is, "How can I segment that list of 20,000 prospects to focus on my best prospects?"

    It may be that your most cost-effective solution is to have a mix of promotion and advertising for the masses, a postcard to your "B" prospects, and a sustained "call, mail, call" type campaign for the prospects in your "sweet spot".

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