
Topic: Advertising/PR

Print Ad Placement - Front, Back Or Covers?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Dear Colleagues,

I have been doing some research on the Internet to determine how effective the placement of an ad is in a magazine. I do realize that the content/graphics of the ad is the most effective way to reach a reader, but aside from this is there any hard evidence or research that states that being on the inside front cover, front half, back half etc. is more effective than another?

There are a lot of conflicting opinions on the Internet and I would like to drill down on this a lot further. I am particularly interested in the effectiveness of an inside back cover since we have taken several ads in this position recently.

Any comments would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,

T.J. Dickson

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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Randall is right as far as where you want to be and what's cost effective. But the actual payout numbers for your product and your media schedule are unique, so don't run to the bank with the conclusion. You have to run the numbers for yourself.

    The factors to consider are the total circulation, your brand awareness level among the target audience, the effectiveness/persuasion of your advertising, and the gross profit per sale of your product/service. The value of an inside back cover, for example, might not be worth the incremental cost for a low-margin brand with high target audience awareness, while another brand might find that the premium placement does payout for its advertising.

    The general rules of thumb don't apply to most brands. They are averages and not reliable as a way to make decisions for the majority of brands and situations. You'll have to run the numbers for your product, and for the specific publications you're using. And you'll need to have some way to estimate the persuasiveness of your copy. Otherwise you're likely to make the wrong decision when considering your media placement options.
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    Randall and Marlene seem to have the definitions.

    Getting into the right magazine for your target segment is more important than placement.

    Speaking to them in their terms (i.e. good creative execution) is critical.

    Hope this helps.


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