
Topic: Advertising/PR

What Is Integrated Marketing?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hello Marketing Experts!

I have heard the term "integrated marketing" but don't know exactly what it means. I know it has something to do with drawing in customers, and would like to have the term explained in detail and how using it would be beneficial to build my staffing firm client base. I live in a relatively small suburban area in central Ohio with in a city with a population of about 50,000. It is mostly a middle class predominately blue collar industrial environment, although our staffing firm places individuals for clerical as well as manufacturing and industrial in general. The marketing has become stagnant and it is my job to rejuvenate it. Any and all comments are welcome and appreciated!

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  • Posted by Norwood on Member
    Another simple way to look at integrated marketing is to think about your customer (your target, ideal customer) and analyze all media that you'll need to use in order to reach him/her with your message. Integrated marketing also deals with managing those media so that you coordinate activities that will generate a higher impact when combined.

    Different customers will require a combination of different media. In your case, you need to come up with the ideal combination (radio, tv, newspaper, etc.) that your budget allows and draw up a plan to use them in the most effective way possible.

  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    Hi Beth,

    Good input with some variety so far. As with most marketing concepts there are different ways of looking at IMC. Here’s our firm’s way -- first, let's define integration. According to Webster's, it's "the combining or coordination of separate elements so as to provide a harmonious, integrated whole." Integrated marketing communications, then, is not a singular activity, but one with many components that can be applied to a given marketing challenge. For example, consider business-to-business (B2B) marketing communications. Typical B2B marcom components include advertising, direct marketing, marketing collateral, public relations and web marketing. IMC is about the holistic combining of these components to create higher value and quality while cutting costs.

    The best way to illustrate IMC is via a case study:

    I hope this helps you,

  • Posted on Member
    IMC is a concept of all aspect of marketing as-advertising, sales promotion, public relation, and dividing communication in several department including internet, TV , newspaper and magazine. the main Gael of IMC is build positive relationship with customer and try to catch customer with best communication .At last we an say IMC is not a singular activity, but one with many components.

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