
Topic: Just for Fun

Define Value Proposition

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am looking for someone to define "value proposition". I have looked it up in several places and everyone seems to have a different opinion of what this is. What is your definition?
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    I've always used "value proposition" as the expression of the key benefit offered by the company/brand to its target audience.

    It's obviously a close cousin to the positioning statement, which is how you want people to think about your brand/company.

    Ideally, you want them to think about the brand for the benefit it can deliver to them.

    Not sure if this is universal or not, but it's worked for me. For some reason, technology businesses love "value proposition," while consumer goods prefer "positioning." Not sure why or if I'm missing something.

    Maybe technology managers are focused more on what they provide (i.e., a value proposition/benefit), while consumer goods managers are more into how they want their target audience to think about the brand. (A real nuance, in my view.)

    Also not sure if it's really an important distinction, or what you're going to do with our responses.
  • Posted on Member
    what are the three proposition of marketing and brifely describe the three proposition of marketing

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