
Topic: Website Critique

Please Tell Me Whats Wrong With Our Site

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi, I work with a company that sells an anti-wrinkle product.

I know we have a great product because the few people who buy from us usually buy again and have sent us glowing testimonials.

Heres our problem, no matter how hard we try we just cant seem to sell on the net.

Please if you have a chance go to and send me advice on what I can do to get some conversions.

Currently, its not unusual to see 5 or 10,000 visitors and get 0 conversions.

Any advice you may offer is sincerely appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi Morry1961,

    Vevo's suggestions are all right on, no need for me to repeat them.

    In addition, your FAQs aren't linking, your blog and e-zine don't link and I noticed some other navigation issues, all of which do not instill confidence and trust.

    You need to also explain your 30-day money-back guarantee. don't just mention it.

    Having testimonials from people without including a physical address or telephone number doesn't really do much either - they could be fictitious for all we know.

    Try to get a well-know celebrity, or even less than well-known but still a "name" to give a testimonial.

    I hope that helps and good luck.
  • Posted on Author
    Hi John,

    Thanks for your help... i look forward to all the work you and the others have given me;)

  • Posted on Author
    Wow, this group is amazing!!! - thanks for the input Brian... I had no idea what I getting myself into;)

  • Posted on Author
    I'd like to thank everyone for their help, I have a lot of work ahead, but I finally feel like it will make a difference. - If I can ever do anything to help any of you greatly helpful people, dont hessitate to contact me!
  • Posted on Member
    Hi Morry

    We did a campaign 2 years ago for a company offering an Aloe Vera cream. The situation was although they had a product the cost of it was £45 about $90. Having been in web design and marketing for now over 8 years, my advice is this.

    Your product can be the best in the world, but look at cost competition withing your marketplace. People will buy your product to feel beautiful, and with the greatest respect, if your website looks like it was put together by a person thats had to many drinks, a single night on how to design websites and a cracked version of Dreamweaver, then you can only expect bad results.

    Your site is badly tagged, to busy and no-one really uses red and black within the beauty market. Look at L'Oreal, Dermalogica for starters. Better to have something small, strong and effectice, than to conquer the world with a wet tissue.

    Sorry that I may sound harsh, but your marketplace is competitive and severe, loose the rubbish in the site, make it pleasing, sensual and attractive, afterall your product is the same cost as 1 course of Botox? ever thought about that ?

    Good Luck
  • Posted on Member
    Hi Morry

    We did a campaign 2 years ago for a company offering an Aloe Vera cream. The situation was although they had a product the cost of it was £45 about $90. Having been in web design and marketing for now over 8 years, my advice is this.

    Your product can be the best in the world, but look at cost competition within your marketplace. People will buy your product to feel beautiful, and with the greatest respect, if your website looks like it was put together by a person that's had to many drinks, a single night on how to design websites and a cracked version of Dreamweaver, then you can only expect bad results.

    Your site is badly tagged, to busy and no-one really uses red and black within the beauty market. Look at L'Oreal, Dermalogica for starters. Better to have something small, strong and effective, than to conquer the world with a wet tissue.

    Sorry that I may sound harsh, but your marketplace is competitive and severe, loose the rubbish in the site, make it pleasing, sensual and attractive, after all your product is the same cost as 1 course of Botox? ever thought about that ?

    Good Luck

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