
Topic: Advertising/PR

Can You Suggest A Good E-mail Newsletter Program?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I'm looking for a good web-based e-mail newsletter program that will allow mail-merge-type personalization from mailing lists. Does anyone have a recommendation? If not does anyone recommend a particular sofware program?
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  • Posted on Member
    If you're looking to offload the whole thing and have it managed consider, they're publishers of a multitude of ejournals and can handle distribution.

    If you are looking to manage it yourself consider
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi swilliams,

    This need not be hard, complicated or expensive, I understand exactly what you want and need.

    Check out, they are a web-based ASP (application service provider) and they should do everything you need. Mailing lists are easily imported and exported in .csv format, you can create campaigns using customizable templates and they are inexpensive.

    Unless I am missing something in your post, I think they will give you a great solution.

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