
Topic: Advertising/PR

Non-profit Small Fish In A Big Ritzy Pond

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am PR Chairman for my 120-member championship women's chorus. We are not professionals, are all-volunteer, and we have busy lives. We need advice on how to get some publicity and ticket sales for our shows without spending money. (none to spare) Our market is Los Angeles/Orange County. We compete against internationally-known talent in an entertainment-rich area. Major newspapers won't even list our show in their show sections. (nothin's free in this town) We are NOT community based, as we rehearse in one city and perform elsewhere, so we get no mileage from local resources. We have few contacts and little clout to call upon. We need some guerilla tactics to get heard and get known.
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  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted

    There's an increase in online dating... my own (ahem) research confirms that the over-50 set definitely participates... at least here in Houston they admit to their age... and many of the dating services encourage/promote official and unofficial gatherings...

    See if any of your chorale members are willing to (or willing to admit they do) test the online dating waters. Perhaps they can use one of the typical discussion forums there to invite people to a romantic evening of music. Could be a longshot, but hey, guerillas don't rule out any tactic, hmm?

    - S
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    Lots of talent, no money, no one will give you the time of day, and you are in L.A.......where have I heard this before...?

    I briefly scanned through all of the above advice and everyone has certainly given a lot of creative examples. Although, I LOVE to be creative, sometimes you have to pull on the ole' reins and look at what Practical Measures are out there.

    What am I talking about? An agent.

    You know that Madonna and Shaq hold charity events every year out there? I know someone who is invited every year and may be able to give some contact names.

    Those aren't the only places. Many celebs will endorse/sponsor non-profit groups who help the community. Keep record of any and all of your free performances. If you charge a small admission, donate a % to one of Shaq's charities. It doesn't have to be Shaq, but the idea here is to get on common ground with the people who CAN make you known VERY fast! One appearance at Madonna's Pony Ranch for kids (with some pics of Madonna joining in) can put you on the map.

    So I'm not saying do not try any of the creative processes listed above, rather COMBINE them with the practical realization you need a well known sponsor or a fat bank account to get known out there.

    Good Luck!

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