
Topic: Website Critique

Can Somebody Tell Me?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points

I have tried my best to express myself but since it's my own story, it may or may not be clear to the readers.
Well, a lot depends on the outcome of it. So I invite everyone to express their comments/ changes.
and ofcourse the best and the quickest way to generating a word of moth campaign for my website.
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  • Posted on Author
    I am open to making changes should there be a lacuna in the sales page or the entire campaign alltogether.
  • Posted by ROIHUNTER on Accepted

    I also spent more time then I wanted to on the site just trying to figure out what you want a site visitor to do? There are no call to actions and I am not quite sure what your goal is?
  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    If I wanted to promote such a site, which seems to me to be an expression of your thoughts and feelings, I would probably post on some "personal ad" style discussion boards, rather than here.

    If you want to sell something, we can help you.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks everyone,
    I am defintely facing problems in creation of phrasing of contents.
    The idea of keeping the big promise hidden is to generate curiosity among the visitors, so they would want to buy th best.
    It's not important to make it the ultimate best as the time I have is short and my patience seems to give up now as I just want to see her. I just want a moderate sales, if there is mystery and curiosity in the contents, it will only add to the story.
    last, I am adding the goal as to ' know the promise, right from the start', buy your copy now.
    should make the site complete.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks Sanjay,
    Can you tell me where I go for content writing?
    The index is there to explain the contents of the book.

    The space ihas deliberately been left blank for the reason that it relatds to Love.

  • Posted on Author
    All right skoobie,
    thanks for the comments. The audience is women worlwide, the USP is that it's a live story and the contents have deliberately been designed confusing and mysterious. Women are more receptive to such stories.
    Yes, it's one way too much but that's because because the book talks only about my life and the contents present only my story, thus the solo kind of show.
    call to acion will further make it complete, which I shall do tonight. All that needs to be added is that the book is selling here and the sales will lay the foundation for the promise to come true.
    I guess the visitors haven't really surfed the site to the full, hat's what i xpect from my visiotors after all the curiosity I start in the home page.
    Last but not the least, I wish I really had her picture, the life would have been much simpler and the pain; much smaller. Anyway, this is where I stand, trying to raise enough money through my book,. to keep my promise.


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