
Topic: Website Critique

Website Help

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am in the planning stages to redesign the web site of a new client and thought I would ask for some help.

The client is a Realtor. There current site is still up and can be found at:

I have a tentative new site map. We are changing the site architecture to include the following: Properties for Sale; Sell Your Home; Buy a Home; Resources; Special Deals; Our Real Estate Report; Agents; Contact Us

Thanks to all in advance!
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    You forgot to put a space at the end of the url so the link doesn't work. this one works.

    Now too critique your site.

    text on the front page is a bit small.

    Your site is frames based so you will need to do extra stuff to get it indexed correctly by the search engines.

    What does "search MLS" mean?

    And why do you have two links to the home page right under each other, you don't need the second one.

    I do like your site, but there is not much content for the search engines to index and rank your site with.

    On the front page you mention the article but don't give a link, it would be nice to be able to read the article you mention.
  • Posted by darcy.moen on Accepted
    do not use frames.
    add a place where realtors can place their bios.
    add forms where visitors can interact with the website (place listing, request info, etc).
    cuurent listings would be nice (but someone would have to administer...perhaps long term contract for you?).

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