
Topic: Advertising/PR

Data To Support Repetition?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points

Years ago I read that the average consumer needs to hear a company name APPROXIMATELY 29 times before they remember it. Now I can't find that source and I'm wondering if anyone else out there has any similar numerical data supporting the obvious need for repeat advertising/PR/direct mail contact.

I'm putting together a marketing primer for musicians and explaining the necessity of consistent contact with presenters/directors/conductors.

Thanks so much!

Ann Lathan Kerzner
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    I don't have the answer, but I would caution against using any average number, because no category or target audience is "average." Some products or markets might require 30-40 repetitions, while others might only need 8-9. It also depends on the effectiveness of the advertising and a zillion other factors.

    If you are in the United States, consider what Aflac has done to register their name. Once you've seen their television commercial, it's hard to forget the name.

    Then think about the company that advertises using Steffi Graf and Andre Agassi. I'll bet a lot of money you won't be able to come up with the company name. (It's Genworth, but nobody remembers that.)

    It's a good bet that Genworth will require dozens ... no, hundreds or maybe thousands ... of repetitions before anyone remembers the name.

    Aflac, on the other hand, may only require a few repetitions.

    You get the idea. Who cares if the average is 486?
  • Posted by darcy.moen on Accepted
    I agree, repitition in any quantity, average, above average, incessant, or not, you cannot ever assume your name will be remembered.

    In my industry, folkd swear by the power of three.
    1st contact, people ignore you
    2nd contact, people read the card.
    3rd contact, folks 'think' about doing business with you.

    Frankly, I could care less how many times I have to stick my name in front of someone before they remember it....I'd rather know what makes people buy!

    Darcy Moen
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi Ann,

    I agree with Michael and Darcy.

    For what it is worth, 29 times is way too much.

    There is an old saying in the profession "five is alive and seven is heaven".

    But, as has been pointed out there are so many "it depends" that no number at this stage can really be your silver bullet.

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