
Topic: Website Critique

New Site Design (still Under Construction)

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
Looking for some initial feedback. I'm going from to the site [inactive link removed].

The second site is the one I'd like critiqued. There are still some links that don't work and the shopping back-end is not complete pending movement to its own server with SSL. I'm looking for comments on design and such. Don't worry about metatags and the like. They will be fixed. The logos I am stuck with (I don't like them much). I just provided the old site to give you guys an idea of what I started with. More copy will be added as the client finishes writing it.

I'm also already aware of a slight problem with the menu alignment in IE. I'm working on using browser detection to place it properly in both IE and Firefox/Netscape. It looks nicer in Firefox regardless.


[Moderator: Inactive link removed from post. 2/14/2011]
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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    your sight was easy to follow and had a good flow to it. The areas for improvement are:
    1)the links across the top.. they need to be turned into buttons or at least put into bold format. The placement was good, but just the word "Home" "Corporate" etc need to be jazzed up.
    2)do you really want blue lab pictures? From what I gathered your product is a natural product. To me this denotes a refinery of something.

    I hope this helps... If you have questions you can reach me via my sight...
    Frank Hurtte
  • Posted on Accepted
    further to frank's remarks, which were spot on:

    re: the links. the links below, too, want to be BOLD.

    re: the images

    the lab pictures and the 'all-natural better health products' copy are in such MAJOR collision .... eeek.

    creating trust isn't just an issue for financial institutions - ... Is this principally a B2B site? Maybe they don't care. Maybe they want to just to get stock and get out.

    but here's my real reason for replying (take or leave, of course). If this is your business, the design of the websites, then I'm on the side of you doing your client the biggest service possible and persuading him/her of the utter terribleness (i might have made that word up. lol) of the logo.

    In the end, you MIGHT be stuck with it, but frankly THIS is when you, personally, have the opportunity to establish YOUR trustworthiness and level of expertise. I guess I'm saying that you might want to do this for YOUR career and business. It is, hands down, one of the worst logos I've seen. It's badly conceived, badly designed, entirely inappropriate to the website (AND badly positioned, too. If you're sticking with it, get it into a graphics editor and straighten it out. It'll take all of five minutes.) And again, beating a theme into the ground, it does its best to eliminate all trust in a product.

    Naturally, one doesn't say this to a client, but one (you) could stand to demonstrate your knowledge of the internet and help them out. Kindly. But firmly. :)

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