
Topic: Website Critique

Need Your Wise Inputs For My New Site

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
My site is selling to online traders. I have added "sitepals" at strategic place on the site and I am wondering if the customers are ready for this kind of interaction when visiting a site. Also I used white font on grey bacground is it difficult to read or soothing to the eyes ?site is
Thank you
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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    Overall I would say that your sight looks like one of the better ones I have looked at as part of MarketingProfs.
    With that in mind I will be more critical than normal.
    1) your FAQ section listed the questions but a person had to scroll down to get the answer. I believe most people expect to do the scroll down automatically via a click.
    2) Your sight had lots of information for a subscriber, but not much for a person on the fence. If I came to your sight, decided not to buy at this time, there is not much there to cause me to want to come back. Is there some "free sample" information you could give away on a weekly basis to bring people back for a second or third time. I saw your first month free but many are hesitant to do this because of the reported scams on the internet.
    if you want to discuss further you can reach me through my sight.
    Frank Hurtte
  • Posted on Accepted
    Take a good look at who your audience is. The SitePals animated presentation is cute but when your talking about money and potentially lots of money ($10,000+), your site needs to be very professional looking. It needs to make people feel confident about using your services.

    Your testimonials need more meat. You promise a money back guarantee which sent up red flags to me. To prevent other red flags from going up and people leaving your site, you need testimonials about how people where skeptical at first but after using the service they are now believers. The service was easy to understand, easy to use, etc.. Watch any informercial and you will see what I'm talking about.

    You need true contact information. Company name, physical address ( no p.o. boxes) phone and email. Even if it's info@, it still a live email address. Form only Contact Us pages send up more red flags.

    All of your stock images are cold. (Lock, Magnifying glass, Computer Keyboard, etc.) If we are talking about money and the stock market, where are the emotional appeal pictures. Family, House, Retirement, etc.

    Again, take a hard look at your target market and keep them in mind when you make changes to your site.


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