
Topic: Website Critique

New Web Site

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am in the process of finalizing a new retail web site and would love some input.

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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    I like the layout. I like the color use. Especially the way it "matches" the various art work you have laid out.
    Here are a couple of suggestions:
    1) I couldn't find anything about you. Who are you? Why do business with you? What makes your collection different than the thousands of others out there on the web? Do you have a local store? If so, direct traffic back to your retail location.
    2) You still have much work to do on putting content on your site. The content... on shipping and returns will be read by many. Same with the frequently asked questions. I suggest getting those loaded and having potential clients evaluate. Perhaps have several choices and ask a group of people which one they feel most comfortable with and why.

    Good luck with your venture.....
    [self-promotional info deleted by staff]
  • Posted on Accepted

    Who is Pipperwill's. You don't need a whole About Us section but as soon as people hit your home page they should know something about who you are. It helps build a trust factor and that is important for people to spend money online.

    You left hand navigation is hard to read. You want to make it as easy as possible for people to find what they are looking for.

    Your name is in purple which is a lively color, you need to add some additional splash of color. Right now the Lili Belmont flower paining is what stands out. I might have the background a light blue. Blue stands out. Especially if you use a reverse white type.

    For the artists section. Have some personal information about the artists. Buying art is an emotional decision. People want to know something about the artist. This makes the piece they are thinking of buying more personal.

    I would recommend making some of the changes that everyone recommends and then come back to us when you have additional content.


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