
Topic: Website Critique

Shall I Put All My Eggs In One Basket?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
At the moment I use several different programs, one for my autoresponder, several to get leads and others to promote my businesses. I have recentley taken out a trial membership with a company called veretekk and the program looks awsome, with autoresponder lead generator and lots more. They offer a free silver membership to try it and give you a website. I would like opinion please upgrade to gold on veretekk and have everything under one roof or carry on the way I am. here is the link
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  • Posted on Member
    In light of the serious trouble similar companies are getting into with the SEC and other official regulatory agencies, I would be leery of getting involved in a company like this.

    That's not to say this is not a perfectly legimate company. But companies that promote a lead system or leads need to be looked into carefully because they often get their money at the expense of members who only feed off each other.

    Again, I'm not familiar with this particular company and don't know a thing about it. But look at last Friday's Wall Street Journal and read about a similar company.

    But to answer the title of your question, I suggest you never put your eggs in one basket. That's a surefire way to become a loser fast.

  • Posted on Accepted
    Hey Rocky Boy:

    I think you are doing a good thing by trying to consolidate your marketing management tools. It can save you time and money if you have a one-stop place.

    Of course, you don't want to be marketing through one channel alone, and that's what this solution seems to offer. That is a problem. I'd look for a solution that offers the consolidated management while keeping you channel options more open.

    I'm sure you realize that your site is an MLM. At first glance, I was ready to sign up on your site and become part of your downstream.

    Like you are doing, I pulled out one of my WMDs ( "Win's Manure Detectors") and pointed them threateningly at your site.

    Here's one you can try yourself.

    Take one of those glowing testimonials on the left side of "your" Web site to which you pointed us. Copy and paste a phrase of unique text into the Google search box, and push "search". If you get results with the same text as your "uniquetestimonials" appearing in other, unaffiliated Web sites, (like what happened with your site ( see below)), there's a good chance you should check the bottoms of your shoes.

    Since your basic need and solution set seems valid to me, I would suggest that you check the European market for some great, easy-to-install and use, andreasonably priced programs that are coming out of that market. Most do not require you to carry their brand or subscribe to an ASP. Let me know if you want more consult.

    My advice would be for you to wipe your shoes, disassociate yourself from these folks, and walk - don't run - to the nearest exit. (And leave those testimonials behind when you go.)


    Winthrop Morgan
    Certified eMarketing Professional

    [self-promotional info deleted by staff]

  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    This program sounds too good to be true. I suspect that it is...

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