
Topic: Website Critique

Website Critique To Give To Managment Team

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I work for Infuzer - which is dynamic calendar communication technology ( The problem is that I have not been able to convince management to spend the effort to re-do our website. Please be honest in the critique of the current site. Any input on first impressions, navigation and content is welcome.

This technology is currently receiving favorable response from major sports, travel, entertainment and education organizations. I think that as they visit the site they are receiving an impression that is not professional or informative.

I have a plan for new navigation on the site that will accomplish two main objectives 1) Give end-users compelling reasons to download the application and 2) Give prospective clients a value proposition, but I could use any input from all of you as inertia in pushing this forward.
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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    I personally think the idea of is a good one. There are a couple of things that are major turnoffs for me (as a marketing consultant and as a website owner). The website needs to be cleaned up the Holidays 2005 for instance makes me wonder if you are still in business. The areas listed under features that are not link enabled again make me wonder if this is 100% operational.
    I chose not to download the program at this time due primarily to the issues above.
    Hope this helps
    Frank Hurtte
  • Posted by Don Meyer on Accepted

    My thoughts...
    Home page. Between the moving ad, the four columns and all the boxes and buttons, I didn’t know what to look at first. So I picked the first thing on the navigation tool bar.

    Personal Assistant. I found the explanation too confusing and filled with your lingo. You need a layman’s description and then move to the how to’s. Perhaps I should have picked “About Infuzer” first.

    Is the goal of the website strictly acquisition of clients? That’s the way it comes across. I think the demo is good and should be more prominent. The narrative descriptions in the features section don’t explain as well as the demo ….um…demonstrates.

    If that’s not the case, then you may need a “members” section for end-user tools or client tools rather than having everything all on the first page.

    With some more browsing I guess the feature section is for end-users and the websites section is for clients. I agree that you need to add the WIIFM. You can use the testimonials to flavor those value statements. Remember that Features and Benefits are two different things.

    Make a map of what you want your audience(s) to discover.

    Hope this is helpful.

  • Posted on Accepted
    Dear jjocke,

    Before addressing the design elements of the site, there are a few things I think you may want to consider.

    Your website is potentially the most powerful sales & marketing tool you have. A good site plays an enormous role in your sales process. Think of your site as an interactive brochure that will speak with multiple groups and convert visitors into prospects and customers. It’s an extension of your brand and an example of the quality of work you do.

    Curiously, your products focus on organization, yet the site uses a whirlwind of multiple bright colors, a variety of shapes, fonts, and moving pictures.

    It’s important to let function feed the design, and not the other way around. Your graphics should help you prospects “get it” quickly and then make them eager to learn more.

    I would recommend you re-evaluate your site based on the following questions first, before establishing a design palette.

    1. Does your site express Infuzer’s unique value to the market?

    2. Does your site suggest how you are different than other possible solutions to your customer’s problems?

    3. Does your site support your brand personality and strategy?

    4. Does your site give potential customers the right information at the right time to keep them moving forward? Are they able to see the benefits of your product or do they get distracted?

    5. How can this site better help you generate leads, nurture leads, and convert those leads into customers?

    Best Regards,

    Jennifer Lueck
    Director of Marketing & Public Relations
    Marketing M.O.
    email address deleted by staff Please use profile for this information

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