
Topic: Career/Training

Marketing And Music

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hello, I am a 2nd year undergraduate who just recently changed my major from Biology to Marketing. I already plan to be in college for at least 3 more years because of the late change. I have a great love for music and everything associated with it. I wish to pursue a job at a music record label in the Marketing Department. Anyone have any advice for me?

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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    Here is my advice...
    Start positioning yourself right now.
    1) find a local band and volunteer to do marketing for them...develop their website, put out mailers, coordinate promotional material.. think of it as building a file for yourself..
    2) get a job at a music store.. work on marketing etc
    3) do work in any kind of music oriented enterprises you can think of...
    Start looking at ways to build a base of experience that differentiates you from the thousands of others who share your dream but aren't willing to put out any effort to make their dream real...
    Frank Hurtte

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