
Topic: Just for Fun

Golf Pro Needs A Marketing Lesson

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
First, does anyone have good ideas on how I can market myself as a golf teacher? I work at a driving range but want more customers. Also, I do Beat the Pro contests at charity golf tournaments. How can I get free gifts to give to those players who beat me at a hole by getting closer to the pin? Thanks, David
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  • Posted by michael on Accepted
    Well first you have to determine if you boss at the driving range will allow you to promote yourself...since that's an easy opening.

    As far as the type of gifts you give, an former client of mine has some ideas:

  • Posted on Member
    Set up your own website where you profile yourself.
    Talk about your achievements and your technique in how you teach golf, what your strong points are etc.
    Get nicely designed business cards that you give away to all people you encounter.
    Do you have a fixed contract now or do you work on a freelance basis, so you can work one day here, the other there. If so, I would personally go and present myself in different clubs. Get yourself a nice CV with your career path, references etc, which you can use to get into new clubs to work.
    Mingle and mangle, thats the PR side of things, the more people know you the more word of mouth you get and ultimately the more business.
    In regards of gifts, get connected with a golf gear producing company that could sponsor you some gear and gifts. Normally what happens is that they give you new developments; clubs, gear, balls, etc and you then need to write your feedbak for them on the gear. Which normally you then keep and give away. Other things could be balls, hats, green forks, that kind of stuff, sponsored by the producer.
    Hope this helps.
  • Posted on Author
    thanks, that's a great suggestion re getting in touch with golf producing companies, I will follow up with that. I've been tolf to join a chamber of commerce and network.
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    Here are a couple of points...
    1) golf is a popular topic for almost every business group (rotary, optimist, jcayes, etc). I would put together presentation called the 5 things you can do to keep your stroke during the winter, or the 3 things you can do to improve mid-season. I would offer that course everywhere for free. (and come equipped with lots of business cards)
    2) I would write some articles for the local news paper and or offer to talk about your presentations to the local TV station.. Believe it or not, they often need filler.. why not you
    3) as far as prices are concerned, I would look for local merchants to provide the prizes in return for name recognition.

    If you have questions about doing any of these or want details you can contact me through my website.
    Frank Hurtte
  • Posted on Author
    Frank, those are great suggestions. I just joined the board of trade for networking purposes. Thanks. I'll check your website.

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