
Topic: Website Critique


Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I took all your advice and re-designed the re-design. I am trying to get the site as optimized as possible at the same time.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can get this more optimized for Yahoo and Google.

I am currently on the first page of MSN for "outbound telemarketing services"

For Yahoo I am on page 2.

Google doesn't have me anyplace near the first 20 pages.

Any suggestions.

Also, please critique my site's re-re-design.

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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    Very nicely done. I am concerned about the amount of verbiage on the front page. Is there any way you could break it up a little bit. Many people who are reviewing websites have a very short attention span. you may loose them.

    Frank Hurtte
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    Some free optimisation advice for you:

    1. Telemarketing is a weak keyword to use you might need to investigate at least a two word keyphrase! Keywords are the first area you should look at and research.

    2. Use a

    tag, the major search engines see these as important.

    3. Reduce the keyword count for "telemarketing" in your ALT tags, it will look like keyword stuffing to Google

    4. Use a

    tag also :-)

    5. Try to get "call center companies" in a title

    6. Poor use of "call center companies" keyphrase throughout your pages

    7. Use "call center companies" as an ALT tag in place of "telemarketing" at least once

    Good luck, if you need any further professional assistance, contact me, this kind of project is right up my street.

  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    ps. Get more none reciprocal inbound links too.
  • Posted by Tatyiana on Accepted
    I have a question. In your list of "Leading the Competition in the following services" are they ranked in that order for any particular reason?
    Is that your strongest service? In your market research is that what most clients need as a service? Will it yield you the most return per project?

    And I would capitalize "support" on Marketing and Technical Support.

    Also, your top level topic bar... why did you pick that order? Careers is smack in the middle of services and rates .. seems odd to me.

    It is not intuitive to me that "index" will bring me back to the home page... and it is frustrating to a browser who saw something on your home page not to find an easy way back to it.
    I don't think you need to spell out FAQ.

    The overall feel of it - A1. Clean, interesting enough... I like the general impact. It is some of the finer details that I think you should review again.


  • Posted on Accepted

    When i searched "outbound telemarketing services" on yahoo its coming on 3rd page. Also its not visible anywhere in google. Thats not good as most of the users visit google for any kind of search.

    If you don't choose the right keywords, all of your other strategies won't help you at all, because those strategies build on top of choosing the right keywords.

    Customer Approach: Your searchers are probably not finding you the same way that you'd think they'd find you. Instead, ask your customers or someone outside of your business what they would type in the search window when looking for your site.

    There are different "Keyword Research and Strategies " that you can improve your ranking. I have written a research paper on this as well. They are:

    1. Optimize each page separately: When working with search engines, consider the focus of each page separately, because the engines do. So, if you want top ranked pages, create content-rich information pages that center on one or two topics only, and use those fine-tuned topics as your keywords for that page. Don't try to optimize a single page for every keyword that's important to your business. It just won't work. Instead, create separate content-rich pages and utilize your other keywords in that manner, and bring additional traffic into your site.

    2. Stay away from general keywords: Take your keyword ideas and fine tune them based on each page of your website.

    3. Take a general keyword and add a specific word to it: If you can only think of very general keywords, start with a list of those keywords, and then add specific words to each one.

    4. Consider regional keywords: If you have business in different cities across globe. So the keyword phrase should contain the names of the cities or state.

    5. Different terminology: Do people from other regions use different terminology when searching for your keyword phrase? If so, utilize that terminology in your tags or on your page, or create a separate page. For example, in the South, people call "shopping carts" that you find in grocery stores "buggies."

    6. What keywords are your competitors using: Search for your competitors' sites and see what keywords they're using.

    7. Keywords and META tags: They can dramatically improve your search-engine ranking. Your prospects use keywords and key phrases to find you in the search engines.
    Meta description tips: Make sure you accurately describe the content of your page while trying to entice visitors to click on your listing. Include 3-4 of your most important keyword phrases, especially those used in your title tag and page copy.
    Meta keywords tips: Aside from what we mention in the other tips below you should only use those keyword phrases that you also used in the copy of your page, title tag, meta description, and other tags.

    8. Page Title: The title of a web page appears on top of the page in the title bar of the browser. Web pages that use your search terms in the title will rank higher with some search engines than pages that contain them in the text only.
    •Write a powerful headline for the title of your site.
    •Create a title for every web page.
    •Include the most important keywords and phrases, including the ones potential buyers use when searching for your topic.
    •By starting your page title with a letter toward the beginning of the alphabet (A, B, C) you may increase your chances of appearing near the top of the listing in some search engines.

    I will put some points in next post.

    Hope the above points will help

  • Posted on Member

    Continuing with the last post, the other techniques are:

    9. Site Description: The site description is used by some search engines to list the description of your web site. When providing your own description in the META description tag, your listing may be displayed in the search- engine listing as you provide it.
    •Submit the maximum allowable length to the search engines to convey a persuasive message
    •Make your description informative and compelling to attract potential buyers to your site. Provide a benefit or solve a problem
    •Include your most important keywords and phrases

    11. Keyword Density Analysis: If you don't have the proper keyword density on your web pages then it will affect ranking. Too many keywords can cause your site to be tagged as spam and too little keyword density can cause the search engines to consider the page as not very important.

    12. Fresh Content is King: If you frequently update your pages the search engines will come back more often for fresh content.

    13. Keywords in first paragraph: It's also important to have a good representation of target keywords and phrases in the first paragraph of your main body text - and that's not just for search engines.

    14. File Name: Another important strategy is to use keywords in your file names. File names do play a part in most major search engines' ranking algorithms.

    15. Keyword saturation: Keyword saturation is the percentage of target terms in relation to the rest the content of a page. Saturation levels do play a crucial role in the ranking of your pages.

    16. Give your new keywords time, then tweak: If you make a stack of changes, let them sit for a month before changing them again as it may take that long for the major search engines to pick up on the changes.

    17. Get Objective Feedback On Popularity: How do you tell a popular keyword from one that you "think" might be popular? To get objective popularity information you need feedback from the search engines as to how often your candidate keywords are used as queries.

    18. Don't Pick Single Word Phrases: If you optimize for a keyword phrase consisting of 2-3 words, you increase your chances that your site will be found.

    19. Make It Relevant: Another rule to keep in mind when selecting keywords is to make sure they are relevant for your site. Don't just pick something off the Lycos Top Fifty list to try to drive traffic to your site.

    20. Keywords Placement Counts: Once you identify your keywords, it's time to put them to work. Search engines read the HTML code on your Web page and score the page based on established criteria.

    21. Don’t use Hidden Text: Hidden text is text with the same color as the background color of your page.

    22. Don’t create Pages Containing Only Graphics: The search engines only understand text - they don't understand graphics.

    23. Not using the NOFRAMES tag in case your site uses frames: Many search engines don't understand frames.

    24. Use Descriptive Navigation: Both humans and search engine spiders rely on hyperlinks to move from page to page inside Web sites. Try to include your targeted keywords and keyword phrases inside your navigation system buttons or text.

    Hope it will help you


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