
Topic: Advertising/PR

Any New Emerging Media?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am doing a project and need to find some new emerging media that is out to use as a new medium for advertising, etc. Does anyone have any good new ways of communication that is hot right now, not the old TV, radio, traditional ways. I thought of blogs, anything else??
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  • Posted on Member
    New media concepts are actually very difficult. i suggest looking into existing media because there lies innovative applications. for instance outdoor media can be divided into fixed/mobile. mobile outdoor media includes public transport. however, in China where labour is cheap, Samsung has used people to walk around with backmounted LCD display monitors on battery packs. New media? no, new application, yes.

    Most of the new applications of exisiting media appear in BLT. In london, a sneakers/shoes outlet called 'footlocker' hired a bunch of kinds pushing footlockers aroudn city center.

    so you'd be better off focusing on new applications of traditional media rather than new media.

  • Posted on Accepted

    Lets just help the guy:

    (anytime I use message I mean advertisement, which is as such a message)

    - email as a media and advertising tool
    - websites, any form, any place, any time
    - SMS, not only the phone companies should be allowed to advertise their stuff via this media
    - bluetooth message for devices which have the feature
    - you could build an mp3 clip and send it out via email or other means and then have it played either on the pc, car stereo (mine has got DVD feature reading mp3's)or mp3 player
    - blacberrie or instant mail
    - instant PC messaging
    - pop ups
    - skipe telephone messages which could be computer generated
    - multi media message on your phone, handheld pc, etc

    Hope this help,
    Good luck,
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    Blogs and Mobile are great examples.
    And whilst its new exactly new, some good uses are been made of "portals" and "affiliate marketing" right now.
  • Posted on Member
    I think the experts flushed out the different types of new media advertising for you.

    One thing that is very new and not technology related is loosely called "roadblocking." This is where a company buys enough time, pages, or real estate in a certain medium to saturate it for a short time.

    An example would be XYZ Co buying 30 seconds of commercial time at 8 pm EST on every single network and running the same commercial at exactly the same time.

    Another example is the same company buying 30 seconds of radio time on every station in a market and running iit the same time.

    Good luck!

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