
Topic: Website Critique

Website Critique -

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
Hello All,

I request you all to visit this website and suggest some improvements on these two pages.

- We have really nice product but we are lacking on the marketing front. I'm able to get the required traffic but i feel not many people are spending time on the page.

- If you can suggest some changes to
- give an eye candy to the site
- improve the visibility on SEs
- Some changes in the text or positioning of the text to make people to read the entire thing.

I understand it will take a lot of your time and marketing intelligence; I thank you in advance for that.

Please be frank and give your valuable feedback.
Thanks again.

-Raj Beniwal
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  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    Optimisation is my 'bag' :-)

    1. Two tags!!! Remove one or face the warth of the mighty Google!

    2. Make your tag the first thing after the <HEAD> tag<br><br>3. Nice use of keywords, might be worth a little research to ensure they are the ones that potential customers will try to find you by. How about "recruiting applicant tracking software" that keyword isn't as competitive!<br><br>4. USe the ALT tags and add some of your ketwords into it<br><br>5. In general your keywords need to be use a little more often inside the <BODY> tags<br><br>6. I'd be tempted to use your major keyword as a key part of your <TITLE> tag<br><br>There a quick 5 minute analysis, I'll try to do better later.<br><br>Good Luck </div> </div> </li> <li class="acceptedpost p-2"><a name="78295" class="anchor"></a> <div class="meta"> <div class="arrow-down"></div> <span class="bytime"> Posted by <a href="/ea/profile.asp?userID=461894" title="78295">Miss_Coquette</a> on <span class="postdate">3/28/2006 at 7:56 AM</span> </span> <span class="badge accepted">Accepted</span> </div> <div class="comment-content"> <div class=" bmar"> Dear Raj Beniwal,<br><br>I believe you need to redesign the pages, the pages looks boring, and its very looooong...""<br><br>Try to divide the page into section each section with a title and a brief, and give each section a theme.. a color for the title for example, or an image that reflects the title.<br><br>This is for now.. will send you more later </div> </div> </li> <li class="acceptedpost p-2"><a name="78299" class="anchor"></a> <div class="meta"> <div class="arrow-down"></div> <span class="bytime"> Posted by <a href="/ea/profile.asp?userID=448938" title="78299">bijlani.ritesh</a> on <span class="postdate">3/28/2006 at 8:50 AM</span> </span> <span class="badge accepted">Accepted</span> </div> <div class="comment-content"> <div class=" bmar"> Hello Raj,<br><br>Its good that you have put forward the question regarding your site earlier , had it been a little bit late your website would have drowned you to the bottomof the sea.Dont take it as a criticisation but its an advice for your betterment.<br><br>Firstly your website contents are too long , make them a little bit crisp and make it interactive so that a person doesn't feel bored.Give them the motivational feeling so that they crave to get in touch with you.<br><br>Insert some hyperlinks in between.<br><br>Dont give your client listing on the front page.<br><br>As your website contains a lot of information so it would be a good idea to have a search engine and this would help you get more hits and further more results.<br><br>Try cleaning up the features a little bit:<br>e.g<br>Résuméfox is a web-based solution that can be easily accessed using Internet Explorer 6.0 or above.<br><br>"just clean this up by saying "resumefox is an easily accessed web based solution"<br><br>There are lot of other points as well which needs to be concised so that each point should act as a label.<br><br>Waiting for your reply,<br><br>Thanks,<br>Ritesh Bijlani. </div> </div> </li> <li class="acceptedpost p-2"><a name="78310" class="anchor"></a> <div class="meta"> <div class="arrow-down"></div> <span class="bytime"> Posted by <a href="/ea/profile.asp?userID=433370" title="78310">Frank Hurtte</a> on <span class="postdate">3/28/2006 at 9:39 AM</span> </span> <span class="badge accepted">Accepted</span> </div> <div class="comment-content"> <div class=" bmar"> Raj,<br>Both pages are well laid out, I like the color selection and the graphics are well done. <br>One thing to improve is the amount of verbiage on each page. Would it be possible to distill it down to a few bullet points. Most people who use websites for buying decisions are looking over a number of choices. I worry that they would go to another easier to digest site rather than take the time to read all of your info.<br>The second page in particular is very, very long and wordy.... but could easily be reduced.<br>Hope this helps,<br>Frank Hurtte </div> </div> </li> <li class="acceptedpost p-2"><a name="78361" class="anchor"></a> <div class="meta"> <div class="arrow-down"></div> <span class="bytime"> Posted by <a href="/ea/profile.asp?userID=420245" title="78361">Tatyiana</a> on <span class="postdate">3/28/2006 at 4:34 PM</span> </span> <span class="badge accepted">Accepted</span> </div> <div class="comment-content"> <div class=" bmar"> Hey Raj:<br>I am not going to rewrite was the consensus is but hopefully will add a little.<br><br>One very important factor is one that is often overlooked ... consistency... even it's smallest sense. What do I mean? I will take one page - the About Us page and point out a few items:<br><br>I find it interesting that the name of the product spells Resume like Résumé but your copy is like this: resume ... both are correct.. but pick one.<br><br>Your "About Us" core values font is way too wimpy... make it stronger font wise and I don't think it is necessary to entitle the Overview, overview. This isn't a proposal... no title necessary.<br><br>I like your coloured bocks on the side and that is because it does what your home page should but isn't currently ... gives me choices and snapshots of what I am looking for.<br><br>I think it is a little hokey to just have the two of you on the management team and I personally would remove it or try to expand it.<br><br>Are the product colours red and black? Where does the orange come in? I like orange but I am not digging the colour or font choice for "Company" header<br><br>Overall there are a lot of things that I really like about the site (the bones are all there) and I have seen much much much worst out there. It would not take much to bang it into shape.<br><br>Just remember that if it takes you a lot of words to convince me that something will simplify my problem - I am less convinced. <br>And look at things for consistency... grammar, font, imagery, etc.<br><br>Tat.<br>PS: For the home page, I instantly disliked the word "hotting" </div> </div> </li> <li class="acceptedpost p-2"><a name="78408" class="anchor"></a> <div class="meta"> <div class="arrow-down"></div> <span class="bytime"> Posted on <span class="postdate">3/29/2006 at 8:08 AM</span> </span> <span class="badge accepted">Accepted</span> </div> <div class="comment-content"> <div class=" bmar"> 1. Write down all the benefits that your product/service offers (before this you must understand who your target is). There are good articles here at marketingprofs about Benefits and Targetting (understanding who you are selling to.<br><br>2. There is also a good article to read about asking "So What?" to all your benefits. <br><br>3. Define what is your USP - unique selling point. The one benefit you deliver that is uniquely better than that of anything else or not offered. <br><br>4. Write the front page again. Write your USP as an offer into your headline. <br><br>5. Write an introductory paragraph telling me why the USP is so brilliant. Then give me an offer and back it up with the list of other benefits, written as you'd speak directly to someone trying to sell them your product/service. <br><br>6. Dont be afraid to introduce a price, packages and options. Or at least give me a download, article, paper, newsletter, subscription form or something - tangible things that feel of value where you help me understand the power of what you are offering and why I need it. <br><br>7. Structure your product overview pages better. Step-by-step lead me into the details of your product with benefits, features, screenshots, testimonials, short examplees of how it is used etc.<br><br>Consider these in developing your approach:<br><a href= class="resplink" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a><br><a href= class="resplink" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a><br><a href= class="resplink" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a><br><br>Cheers<br>Michael<br><a href= class="resplink" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <!-- end answer block --> <div class="d-flex justify-content-end mb-5"><a href="#top" class="text-blue">BACK TO TOP <span role="img" title="Up" class="ion-arrow-up-a"></span></a></div> </form> <a name="e"></a> <div class="post-comment"> <h4>Post a Comment</h4> <a href="" rel="nofollow" class="lnkreadfull"><img src="/assets/images/site/comments/form.gif" border="0" class="img-fluid" /></a> <!--end add comment--> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--.left-wrapper--> <div class="col-lg-4"> <div class="card-box ml-lg-4"> <h3 class="">Related Discussions</h3> <div class="card-box-inner"> <ul class="list-unstyled kherightnav list-lined"> <li><a href="/ea/qst_question.asp?qstid=49225">Tips On How To Make The Website Customer Friend?</a></li> <li><a href="/ea/qst_question.asp?qstid=49199">"my Lesson In A Box" Website. 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