
Topic: Advertising/PR

Swimming Pool Advertising Theme

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I need to come up with a theme for all of our marketing materials for this season. I want something that is fun and quick. For example last year we did "Enjoy the Dog Days of summer!"
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  • Posted on Author
    can't use that - one of our manufacturer's use that already on packaging,

    here's some other ones we've used:

    "In this business it's either sink or swim!"

    "Keep slimy types out of the Pool!"

    "Stay cool in a Pool Design's Pool!"
  • Posted on Author
    Stay afloat this year!

    Cannonball into summer!

    Here's some other ideas:

    Dive right into summer!

    You backyard oasis awaits you!

    Outdoorsmen have all the fun!

    This year let your vacation be in your backyard!

    Paradise lost? We know where you can find it!

    The backyard – the perfect place for your holiday!

    none are quite right though - its not catchy enough....ugh
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member
    Have you gotten fresh lately?

    Come on in and get fresh with us.

    Don't say no to H2O.
  • Posted on Member
    "Swim and Cool in our Pool"
    "The Cool Pool"
  • Posted on Author
    I like the "your Oasis awaits" but I'm still looking for something with a bit more pep, something fun - the "don't say no to H2O" is on the right track
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member
    Trying not to be one of the sheep out there is part of the contest when competing for disposable income in; if I may say, a luxury high end product. Get noticed!

    Family choices might be between a boat, cottage, timeshare etc. so being different isn't bad for getting initial attention, even typos have drawn in some "armchair proofreaders" to the store before.

    Caring for the client to make it easy doesn't hurt either. In house financing, opening and closing services, seminars with door prizes any carrot or value for money spent is enticing.

    So, as the question is a 'theme' question perhaps you have the rest sorted out already.

    Good points White Mountain.

    If the pool idea has many faces perhaps a flexible tagline would help. This is great for differing ads on the same theme.

    Filling in the blank .... with your different idea each time keeps it fresh too as you show off your options (from soft and gentle private oasis to wet and wild family party) all with water and greenery naturally!

    Pool Design's Pools are ...... By Nature.

    PD'sP exciting B.N., refreshing BN, intimate BN, convenient BN, enticing BN I'm sure you get the drift, oops sorry!
  • Posted by fakeplasticco on Member
    Keeping with the splash...

    "Splash is in"

    Simply SPLASH!!

    "Splash is the new pink"

    Be Moist... its fun.

    Just random things off the top.

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