
Topic: Website Critique

Feedback And Review For My Website

Posted by Anonymous on 150 Points
Hi everyone please check my website [inactive link removed] we have just started a Yahoo website on geocities to promote our digital camera reviews, tips, tricks and software.

I have had some clicks over 100 of them since the site was up on Monday (4-23-06) I hope you can give me some feedback to improve this site, thank you.

[Moderator: Inactive link removed from post. 2/14/2011]
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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    you are a talented guy. your website has a lot of promise. Here are some comments for improvement.
    1) get it onto your own site. This isn't all that expensive and the geocities location does not say pro. I know people who will not click on geocities websites because half the time they are abandoned.
    2)your site requires way too much scrolling. I would shorten it and add other pages
    3) I am not really fond of the white background
    4) what are you selling..? That needs to be pushed forward a bit.
    Frank Hurtte
  • Posted on Accepted

    Nice site.


    Interaction with visitors: meaning, visitors could ask to revieuw their camera or photo or ask a question.

    This way, you could become de digpicguru!!


  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    I'm confused, is it a portfolio of your photos to show what you can do, or a "digital camera reviews, tips, tricks and software" site?

    The prominent categories are the Albums, that's what anyone would see when they visited your site, I knew that you had reviews, but it still took me a while to find them.

    I agree with Dennis, look at your marketing/business plan, and focus on what important for the site. if it really is digital camera reviews, tips, tricks and software, then delete all the Album links, and add a discrete link for them.
    Use your own photos to clearly show your photographic tips or at least state what camera was used, what lens/filter, aperture and shutter speeds.

    FOCUS is the key and you will succeed.
    Take a look at your competitors sites and learn from their many years of experience.

    Good Luck
  • Posted by jpoyer on Accepted
    Again, so many times I see sites like yours that have potential, but credibility is an issue. Definitely do get your own domain, they are pretty cheap nowadays, and definitely worth the cost.

    Additionally, consider the following:

    1. Use CSS to standardize your headers and text.

    2. Remove the random underlined spaces around your links (this happens when there is an extra space around your linked text).

    3. Don't use HTML tags to size your photos; make them the size your want in a graphics program and then put them in your pages—ESPECIALLY since your site is all about photography.

    4. You are trying to fit everything on the front page, and it's too overwhelming and it doesn't have a logical flow. i.e. choose four or five things that are most important, and build your site from there. An example would be to not include the links to every photo album from the front page, unless you use a drop down or a dynamic menu so instead of taking up four inches, you take up the space of one button.

    Be sure to watch the details; these are the things that unnecessarily reduce your credibility to your audience. Even with SEO, they might come visit, but that will be it. If you are really serious about making it work, consider hiring a professional to create your site for you, shop around, there are solid products out there.

    Best of luck to you!


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