
Topic: Just for Fun

Annual Client Schmoozing Bbq Event

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
This is our third annual client & local dignitary schmoozing event. The past 2 events have had a current trended theme - "Survivor" and "The Apprentice" have been the previous themes. Everything is consistent with the theme - graphics on the invitations, game sheets, the team names/name tags, decorations, etc. It has been a well received and an enjoyable event because it's a little diferent from the norm and the games/activities provide a great ice breaker & networking opportunities. I would love a response soon as the event date is June 24th, 2006.

Does anyone have any ideas/ themes to explore ?
( and possibly tag lines to be used in the print materials?)
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  • Posted by phil.wesel on Accepted
    How about the more trendy "Top Chef" You could do a nice theme around foods if you choose. It may not have the legs of survivor or apprentice but you can still have a great deal of fun with it depending on what industry you work in.

    If it really is a barbeque event, why not invite half a dozen individuals to prep their best barbeques for the rest of the crowd. You could also have celebrity guest chefs depending upon budget and so forth if you wish.

    Say a little bit more about your local dignitaries and especially your clients and then we can probably give you some better ideas for events, etc.. appropriate to a particular theme.

    You can also borrow from current movies if you wish such as a horse racing theme ala "Lucky Number Slevin" or cowboys ala "Brokeback Mountain" or ....
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    Desperate Housewives is the rage... so you could have a desperate housewives party...

    Just kidding....
    I would look at reusing much of your work and using the survivor theme over again. People know what to expect, had a good time at the last one... and even better, you have the work already done.

    Hollywood has sequels why not you?

    Frank Hurtte
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    Perhaps gender equality isn't an issue but why not act before it becomes one with this years event.

    Everything Martha or Martha's Everthing M.E. Awards etc

    Everthing over the top, costumes, food, get out of jail in style cards- I'm sure you get the picture and of course lots of closeups!!

    Have fun!
  • Posted on Accepted
    We in the hotel industry do many theme parties, seeral we have done over the years include:

    "Moulin Rouge"
    "Al Capone"
    "Latin Party"
    "The Last Emeperor of China"
    "Shanghai 1900"
    "d' Artagnan"
    "Indian Party"
    "The 70ies"

    Anyways, you could think of anything really as long as you are capable of getting the right:

    Stage, backdrops, props

    So, good luck.

    By the way, Moulin Rouge was great we even had CanCan girls dancing on out lobby stairs!!


  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    ps Should your crowd be a little shy, hire few dinner theatre actors and sprinkle them through the crowd every 45 mins or costume and character of course.

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