
Topic: Advertising/PR

Building Credibility

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
Our project is a start up residential real estate. Since credibility of developer is important to this kind of business, what would be the best advertising strategy that would create much credibility? What would be the good start of our campaign since we are just building the name of the property to its target market (class A & B) within the community. We have booth inside the mall but doesnt enough to create much needed sales. What do u think is lacking?
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  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted

    Hope you're doing well.

    BUILDING CREDIBILITY in downtown Chicago once happened instantly for me while among other Chicago land Chamber of commerce new bees. Since we were all there for the sole purpose of networking and starting a community of contacts it just fell into place.

    So from my experience building credibility begins differently depending on the setting you're in but it all begins with establishing relationships first.

    THE EASIEST WAY to develop credibility is to leverage the relationships you have with others. Somebody somewhere will vouch of your credibility if you've developed positive relationships up front.

    ONCE YOU'VE ESTABLISHED one credible relationship you can use this one to create hundreds of others almost spontaneously.

    SOCIAL another way to create instant favor and build credibility. Social proof can be the existing testimonials you have earned as you sell customers. If you have not sold any new customers get someone to Try your product for free and get them to give you permission to use their testimonial if they love it. There are dozen of other ways to do it which I will share with you later. You can also dig up previous answers of mine to get some additional comments about this subject...I hope you appreciate it. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE, (Customer Passion Evangelist)

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