
Topic: Advertising/PR

Entry To Market Phrase

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
Hi everybody, I work for a seasonings company (H&S)that will enter a foreign country (Ecuador). We are currently developing the campaign for the entry-to-market.

I would like you all to send me phrases or quotations that we could use in the campaign to enter the market and public Relations.

The ideas/drafts we already have as a guideline to what we want to express are:

1.- H&S invades Ecuador
2.- H&S is proud to arrives to Ecuador
3.- H&S bring s all its tradition/knowledge/expertise to your table/meals
4.- H&S seasons Ecuador
5.- H&S adds flavor to Ecuadorian meals
6.- H&S arrives to your table

Well guys, all you suggestions are welcomed. If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Also, if you are aware of any campaign of this kind that I could check out on the web, I will sincerely appreciate it!

Thanks a lot in advance!

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  • Posted on Accepted
    Hi George!

    You havent't offered a Spanish translation for the various slogan ideas you've presented so I'll work off of the English ones.

    1. H&S Invades Ecuador = "H&S invade el Ecuador". It's cute but definitely will sound quite imperialistic to the Ecuatorianos - keep away from that one.

    2. H&S is proud to arrive to Ecuador = "H&S se enorgullece/se honra de llegar/estar en el Ecuador". Too introductory. I know that's what you're doing but try to think of a slogan that, while introducing the product, will have staying power for the purpose of building/continued brand name association.

    3. H&S brings all its tradition/knowledge/expertise to your table/meals.
    We Hispanics take our meals very seriously. They are intrinsic to the fabric of our lives thus, "tastefully weaving" H&S's company tradition into the Ecuadorian way of life, could be a good way to start (research, research, research before you opt for this route). Unless you are sure that H&S has performed a thorough investigation of how/when/for what the people of Ecuador use seasonings -and what sort of seasonings they use- I wold keep away from sounding "knowleadgeable" or having "expertise" about the Ecuadorian's "meals" or "table."

    4. H&S seasons Ecuador = "H&S sazona/le da sazon al Ecuador" is a whimsical, cute way of introducing the brand and can be parlayed broadly, as well as, when additional/new product lines get introduced. Moreover the line lends itself to the delivery of a variety of advertising copy and visual depictions - from serious to tongue-in-cheek. A word of advise, keep in mind that the people from the interior of Ecuador, like Cuenca, might have a different/more reserved temperament than the people closer to the coast.

    5. H&S adds flavor to Ecuadorian meals = "H&S le anade/le da mas sabor a las comidas ecuatorianas" (as I'm not a copywriter, this is a very rough, unadorned translation - you're creative team will hopefully do better.) The thinking behind this one is not bad, ensure it does not come off as arrogant. It acknowledges that Ecuadorian food is already good and you're there to "help enhance" an already good dish. If developed carefully, the line could convey "helpfulness" rather than arrogance.

    6. H&S arrives to your table = "H&S llega a su mesa/a su cocina". Succint, simple, to the point - it has "legs" for a variety of introductory efforts, do remember than this slogan will be short-lived and then you'll have to think of something else to continue building/sustaining the brand name/equity.

    A word of caution - the brand name might end up being pronounced in Spanish as "hache y ese" or "hachese" - either way, the oral pronunciation will sound very similar to the Spanish verb "acechar", meaning "to stalk" someone with predatory zeal.

    Hope this helps and good luck!
  • Posted on Member
    Cheers, George -

    My experience in introducing a product into LatAm has been in the financial services arena, so I don't think that will help you. However, why don't you check the big packaged goods manufacturers' websites for Latin America? (i.e. Kraft Foods, P&G, Colgate, etc.) These might have ad portfolios that can help to inspire an idea for H&S. Moreover, check out the marketing strategies that packaged goods companies are using against the U.S. Hispanic market, it might help you to gain further insights.

    Thanks for clarifying the brand positioning re: the "expertise" attribute - of course innovation is quite a different attribute from expertise and quite positive at that. I would love to hear how you would intertwine the attributes of "tradition" and "innovation" considering that these reside at opposite poles from each other in their implication.

    I'm glad to hear that the brand name will change due to legal issues. The last thing any company wants is for some consumer to start pronouncing the name of the brand in such fashion as to make it sound "predatory."

    Buena suerte, George!
  • Posted by darcy.moen on Accepted
    H&S spices up Ecuador market. Seasoned Seasoning veterans at H&S are proud to annouce their entry into the Ecudorian market, and are looking forward to spicing up the XXXX food market with new and innovative products. Etc, etc, bla bla bla.

    Darcy Moen
    Customer Loyalty Network
  • Posted on Accepted
    Hello George,

    Congratulations on your business successes and best wishes on your expansion of your products to new markets.

    George, I certainly would like to take the opportunity to offer a few more suggestions to the question you asked our forum.

    First, I wanted to understand the trends in the spice and seasoning industry and how your company could capitalize on them as you venture out in new markets before selecting appropriate taglines and slogans. Market growth can be obtained by addressing your products to the new trends. Some of the key factors tied to market growth in your industry are listed below:

    • Cultural Influences on Flavor Trends
    • Convenience Offered by Spice Blends
    • Health Conscious Consumers Look For Organic Spices
    • Increasing Awareness of Salt Substitutes

    Next, I wanted to review other manufacturer’s campaigns and their links are listed below for your inspiration, also. World’s largest… 100% organic… World’s finest with ethic flair… Small indulgences for busy life’s

    Finally, I combined the above findings with your company’s strengths. It appears your company’s qualities of tradition and innovative would tie in very nicely with the following proposed taglines:

    1. (Brand name) For the discriminating palate
    International spices that will add zest to your dining

    2. (Brand name) Taste the difference
    Time-tested international recipes from our family to yours

    3. (Brand name) For all the seasonings in your life
    International spices that with just a shake will take your meals to a dining experience

    4. (Brand name) Your family deserves the best
    We will be your secret ingredient for a great meal

    5. (Brand name) You deserve the best
    We are not the largest spice company, but our customers say we are the best

    Please note you can mix and match the taglines and slogans and perhaps certain lines of your product might merit different combinations based on the markets you wish to enter. My goal was to give you a variety of options for your review. If you need additional help, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Hope this helps and good luck!

    Best, Sandy Riedel
  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    Hi George

    how about these...

    H&S adds spice to Ecudaorian taste
    H&S ensures you lick your fingers
    H&S: Mouth-watering seasoning now in Ecuador
    H&S: tropical seasoning for tropical Ecuador

    hope that helps.

  • Posted on Accepted

    I think a tagline in a new market should not only be attractive but also perform some functions for the company, like -

    - anouncing your entry
    - telling what you do or what you stand for
    - suggesting the benefit that you offer
    - create interest in the minds of potential customer
    - creating anxiousness in the minds, thsy should be waiting for your launch

    on basis of these I suggest the following, but you will have to modify them according to your requirements -


    reason - telling the functional benefit; anouncing that you are coming; respecting the target market's special requirements (by saying - "all seasons of ecuador")


    reason - telling the functional benefit; anouncing the entry; telling the target market what you are for; still sounding mysterious and creating anxiety because they can understand that you are about food but what??


    reason - tellling the benefit; creating a sense that you will make a important part of their life (ie - food) - much better then it used to be till now


    reason - anouncing arrival; creating suspense and anxiousness to know more about you and what you do

    although some of them might seem long, you can easily reduce or change the words according to your requirements

    hope this helps


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