
Topic: Advertising/PR

Cd Presentation

Posted by Anonymous on 120 Points
Hi everybody.

I've one doubt that concerns with file format.

I've to produce some cd presentations to my sales people, that usually goes to middle east.

I would like to know if works better with some PDF, Power Point presentations, or if it's looks better or more sophisticated with Flash.

The main question for me is:
to remain in sales people pc, any format it´s good, but if our clients ask a copy of that, which one is better?

Hope to hear from you soon

Miguel Mesquitela
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  • Posted on Author
    It will be useful for me, because Flash it requires more time to programme and we need to be fast
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted
    Hi Miguel,

    In Sales I've always found the Power Point presentation to be more effective and versatile. But your decision will definitely be impacted by your personal preference and others abilities to be familiar with the format you are translating the information to.

    If your client ask for a copy I would think providing it would be rather simple to do. Furthermore powerpoint is easy to use. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted on Author
    I think that PowerPoint is very easy to copy, and anyone may use it as they wish
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted
    I'm not sure that's accurate.

    I know that word documents can be password protected and so can powerpoint. To be honest with you even pdf documents can be cracked. But if it makes you feel more comfortable go with the pdf documents. As my grandfather use to say "locks are made for honest men because if a thief wants to get in he'll find a way". Is there anything I can do for you?

    Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted by easyE on Accepted
    I recommend that you check out FlashPaper:
  • Posted on Author
    "locks are made for honest men because if a thief wants to get in he'll find a way"

    I really appreciate all the help the community has given me. To be honest, i will make a mix from all the tips that i've been told :).

    Many thanks to everyone and i hope to be able to answer your questions.

    Best regards


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