
Topic: Advertising/PR

Marketing An Ngo In Yemen - Middle East

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am living in working in Sana'a, Yemen at the moment. I studied Marketing at university and worked in advertising in NYC for major clients.....but this is a totally new field for me.

Now I am in Yemen working for an NGO (non-government organization). The name of the NGO is called SOUL ( and works with women and children to increase education and reduce poverty.

Regardless of our current visibility, they want me to increase their visibility internationally, locally, within the Yemeni government, and AMONGST other NGOs (we are a very strong NGO that many 'younger' ones look up to). They don't necessarily want money out of people, they just wanted to be 'marketed'. I am only used to dealing with major multi-million dollar campaigns where people are BUYING things - not small, less-expensive things that deal with PR.

Right now we work with the World Bank and UNICEF internationally, locally we work with the French and American and British Embassies in Yemen, and also locally we work with other NGOs offering them assistance and training. We try to work with the government, but they're a bit difficult.

We have projects all over the country ranging from micro-finance for women, seminars on reproductive health, IT/computer training programs for women, and we advise younger NGOs and monitor their progress in related fields.

We have brochures and an under-construction website. We do have a few spots on local radio and local television talking about the importance of going to the doctor, and such things. But nothing about the NGO itself.

- I know a lot of people that work at Yemeni newspapers that would interested in writing articles on our organization.
- We could possibly coordinate a dinner/drinks/music evening with the embassies and international organizations in Yemen that we're currently working with to strengthen our relationships and update them on our current projects.

But I'm lost as to the other channels we need to reach.

Please help me.
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  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted
    HI Nitrate 18,

    Glad to hear that the line of work we are involved in will change the world. Keep it up.

    I visited your website and thought it was pretty informative. But is does load very slowly on certain web pages and this can effective how visitors feel about your organization. Here is some food for thought. Your VISION for the organization could better express how you all perceives itself as it relates to women and children… i.e., what is your Vision for how you expect to change the lives of women and children in Yemen? The vision is donor focused as if the vision of your organization is written toward impacting donors versus women and children. The perceived ways you handle donors is important but your passion for what you all are trying to do for women and children should be more clearly communicated under the vision.

    In the goals portion of your website under the category “Social Development” the word change is missing an “e” so it reads “chang_”.

    I’d highly recommend that you pursue the newspaper media of Yemen and some of the other embassy and international organizations. This could bring good PR. But remember PR for PR sake is clearly operating with out a since of purpose. You need to understand the mechanics of why PR is important to your organization from many levels.

    A development department is common among non-profit organizations. Their reponsibility besides raising money for the organization is managing the PR opportunities of your organization. I would recommend that you all consider contacting a consultant who can help you understand how this could work better for your organization than it is currently working.

    I would also consider marketing online to develop online exposure through some of the PR media organizations like PR web. Your real ability to market will in part be determined by how much you have budgeted for that specific work. Do you have money allocated for this? Do you have a marketing plan and does that existing plan include any PR plan? If not begin to develop this in order to consider how you will put a strategic campaign in order so that you have a yearly PR strategy on your calendar. Do you all have a PR department? And if so what are they currently doing? If not can you afford to hire someone for that duty. Do you have previous existing PR exposure and do you have a list of these items? If you do consider talking about how you can get mileage out of the previous PR. Use this to build upon and create greater exposure.

    There are so many other things you have to consider but by answering the above you will help other readers know how they may be able to show you how to manage this part of your company. Remember there are no real problems you can not solve. Our only real problem is our failure to be more creative than we’ve ever been. If you “Invent” your opportunity YOU WILL create your future. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    From my perspective, the most important thing you need to do is define what success looks like for your marketing effort. How will you know you've succeeded?

    Once you've defined that, the marketing planning process is fairly straightforward. You'll want to do a SWOT analysis, identify your primary target audience(s), and develop a sound strategic marketing plan.

    Having been through this before with an international NGO, I would strongly recommend you retain an outside consultant to guide you through the process. Otherwise you will be re-inventing the wheel and probably sub-optimizing the whole effort. If you don't think you can afford outside help, then you probably can't afford to pursue your marketing objectives either.

    Hope this helps.

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